
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Conley-Brannon debate: Trust, jobs and questionable appointments to advisory boards

Here's a five minute video segment of the debate Monday evening between Pct. 3 commissioner candidates Will Conley and Sam Brannon. The forum was sponsored by the San Marcos League of Women Voters. Go to this link for a look at the debate between GOP Sheriff candidates Gary Cutler and Tommy Ratlif.  

Early voting in the primary elections begins Monday May 14. Election day is May 29. Here are links to information about the candidates, voting dates and locations for the Democratic primary and the Republican primary. If you're a registered voter, there are no good excuses left not to vote. Your vote will count, we guarantee it.

Note: Final outcomes in the races for Pct. 3 County Commissioner (Brannon-Conley) and Hays County Sheriff (Ratliff-Cutler) will be determined in the Republican primary election. There are no Democrats competing for these two important local offices.


Anonymous said...

Well, we certainly can't accuse Bob Ochoa of being fair and unbiased the way this video was edited with Brannon Commercials at the beginning and the end! Shame!

Anonymous said...

Good Lord. Conley sounds so arrogant in that video. I bet he's an absolute joy to live with.

Anonymous said...

Conley showed his true self, cant give an honest response. Vote Brannon

disappointed in County government said...

Conley has outlived his usefulness to Hays citizens.

Show that arrogant blowhard the door!

William Trent said...

It looks like Will Conley's grown a pair of jowls worthy of Richard Nixon. He's shifty-eyed, too.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in this district so I do not have a dog in the fight. I did however attend the debate Monday and I think out of two Conley won this round. It seemed to me that other than the "beer money" quote he was in control. Sam's friend fumbled his question about the topic, almost to the point were Conley's rude comment didn't seem that far fetched. When Sam could have really taken the fight to Conley he seemed clumsy and out of his element, Sam should have talked problem solving instead of how badly Conley has done. I'm still trying to figure out his platform, it seems all he talks about is how bad Conley has been for the county. The voters need to know how he plans to fix the problems, saying I'm a fresh voice and we need change isn't going to cut it this time around. Voters love plans, a simple 3 point plan that was hammered over and over would have served him well. My hope is that if it doesn't workout for Sam this time he doesn't give up the fight. I've seen a lot of good candidates like Sam make many of the rookie mistakes that he has made and rebound down the road in a second or third elect. LBJ lost his first election, so did George W Bush.

Anonymous said...

Conley's appointment of a convicted felon ---- one convicted of a campaign related crime --- is all I need to know. I'm voting for the other guy. I really don't think it is too much to ask of our public officials that they steer clear of felons.

Anonymous said...

Where's Part 2? Brannon must have really got his ass kicked or you would show it. Conley won the first half!

Republican for a Change said...

It's the continually growing size of Will's head, both literally and figuratively, that worries me.

Young Will has come to believe his own hype. Always a deadly trait in any person, but especially in a politician.

Goodbye, Willy Boy, back to the car wash with you.

R Garrison said...

Part 2:
Brannon/Conley Debate Part 2

Goodies for the Commish said...

Surely you've noticed that grand new stone entrance to Saddleridge, just around the corner on RR 12 at the Junction? You do realize your tax dollars (whether State, County, or both) paid for that magnificent entrance, don't you? And why, do you imagine, that Saddleridge was the only subdivision to get such a magnificent entry?

Could it be because an influential county employee owns property there?

Could it be because Will Conley owns two lots there on which he supposedly wants to build an even grander home one day?

Reminds me of county workers paving county employees' driveways and such....I thought and hoped those days were long gone.

Anonymous said...

@Anon, May 11, 2:15 PM--

You think Conley won the 1st half of the Brannon/Conley debate?!?

How much did he pay you to say that?

Anonymous said...

I have been following this Blog since 2008 and have commented under my own name and anonymously from time to time. It has become more and more painful to read the posts here especially in this election year. I have a particular displeasure with the liberals and democrats along with a few republicans that hurl vicious comments against our Precinct 3 Commissioner Will Conley on this little blog. I realize that this only represents a small but loud contingent of malcontents that have nothing to cheer about, so they criticize what they do not understand.

It is my firm belief that if Sam Brannon wins the Republican primary and subsequently goes on to become our Precinct 3 representative on the Hays County court we will be without any representation at all.

I do not think Will Conley has been perfect nor do not I dislike Sam Brannon; this is just common sense to me. I know both of these gentlemen and have great respect for them both. I have seen Sam campaign hard and for a newcomer he is unique. His greatest weakness however, is that he only talks about his opponent increasing the County debt and has virtually nothing to say about what he would do if elected. Can he roll back that debt? His campaign slogan should be, "At least I'm not Conley".

If Sam is elected it will not be by his own party but by the party that could not find a candidate to suit them. It is not surprising considering how they have treated their candidates in the past. Brannon will step into a hostile atmosphere on the Court and be politically isolated for four years and then fade into obscurity. In case you didn't know, Sam and Judge Cobb are no longer exchanging Christmas cards. That will leave our precinct without effective representation until at least 2017. That may not seem like a fair statement, but I believe it is reality.

Will Conley has been good for our community here in the valley and has been a staunch protector of our environmentally sensitive areas. He has been the most reachable of any office holder I have had the pleasure of knowing.

Anonymous said...

Right. I think I will just ignore the fact that Conley appointed a convicted felon to a transportation advisory board. In fact, I don't care what he does, just as long as he keeps pouring millions into the money pit know as Jacobs Well. Sure. Right.

thinking out loud said...

Conley only throws money at Wimberley in order to stay in office so he can continue to spend millions of taxpayer funds on roads and other pro-development projects.

He has successfully silenced the environmental community by funneling money to Wimberley's pet projects, Blue Hole and Jacob's Well, and for this slice of cynical political savvy, he should be commended, by Machiavelli!

What he is doing up in Austin on CAMPO and the other boards he has gotten himself appointed to will come to a sudden halt as soon as we get him UNelected as our Commissioner.

He is using Hays County, in particular Precinct 3, to pave his way to a political career, much like what his buddy Patrick Rose had in mind. I suggest we no longer enable this aspiring politician and send him back to the private sector.

Wimberley and Hays County cannot afford Will Conley, not now and not in any future he has in store for us.

Ranch Roader said...

Hey, I still want to know why Conley spent all money fixing up the entrance into a subdivision he owns property in.

Did YOUR subdivision get a fancy new driveway with stone walls?

Not unless you are in cahoots with Will or Winton.

Anonymous said...

The first minute of the video tells you everything you need to know, in spectacular fashion.

The rest of it is just plain fun to watch. Kudos to Sam Brannon for demonstrating class.

jas said...

Brannon's the man to vote for this time around. He has a clear grasp of the problems facing this County and why more of Conley's behavior is likely to end up badly for us all.

A good credit rating just allows you to borrow more money. This isn't financial security, it is an invitation to financial disaster in the wrong hands.

I agree with Sam when he says No More New Debt. Let's figure out at way to pay off what Conley has piled up for us first.

Did you think that up all by yourself? said...

Like so many of his predecessors before him, Conley has let power and the prestige of being an elected official go to his head. He has sold out to the money men and he has forgotten any notion of small, efficient government.

Government can do good things, but one of its functions is to hand out contracts. This always runs afoul of good sense. Greed is a terrible master and a compelling temptation for us all.

Step away from that credit card and let's pay off our debts.