"We've got to be more efficient at our (school) administration level. Our current ratio of teacher to non teacher positions is one to one. I believe we need to be closer to 3 to 1. We need to make sure that 65 percent of funds, at minimum, a school district receives are spent in the classroom and that includes teacher salaries."
Send your comments and news tips to roundup.editor@gmail.com, call Mr. Isaac's campaign at 512.850.5524 or click on the "comments" button at the bottom of the story
Isaac campaign website

We sent an email to the Rose campaign yesterday requesting an interview. As of now, we haven't heard back from Rose's people.
Q & A with Jason Isaac
Q. Tell us about yourself, where you were born, your background.
I'm 38 (older by several years than Rose, and Rick Green before Rose, when they were first elected to the Legislature). I got my Social Security letter in the mail the other day (the letter that informs people how much SS tax they have invested in the retirement system). I looked at it and I saw that I started paying Social Security in 1987. I believe I was 14 or 15 years old and I have not missed my Social Security taxes a single year since that time. I've worked every year while in college and high school and have continued to do the same since then. I've been a taxpaying citizen since 1987, something that sets me apart from my competition.
I was b0rn in Houston and lived there until the age of 6. My family moved to Virginia with my dad's company (and graduated from high school there). I started looking my junior year to go to college in Texas. One day I got a letter in the mail (from Stephen F. Austin State University/Nacogdoches) that said "congratulations, you're a Lumberjack!" I had family in Beaumont and Athens and Dallas. That was in 1990 and I've been here ever since then. (Isaac and his wife Carrie met in college and were married two years after she graduated . . . Isaac received a business degree from the university with a major in marketing and minor in management). I finished paying off my student loan a few years ago; my wife paid her loan off in 12 years.
I started working in trucking and have been doing that for the last 15 years, marketing technology; it's a consultative business. We analyze trucking company operations to improve their operations, implement technology and they get a return for doing so.
Why did you decide to run for office, challenge Rose, and what are you hearing from voters as you are out campaigning?
They (the voters) want somebody that's not in it for themselves. That's what I keep hearing from people time and time again. I wasn't recruited by anybody to run. There were some in the Republican leadership that tried to talk me out of running. They were scared Patrick would raise a million dollars and hurt them down ballot. Some of those people are now some of our biggest supporters – no strings attached, I think a lot of the independents and Democrats realize that. I want to serve. (Isaac said he heard something another candidate once told voters that resonated with him) . . . when you're considering a candidate think about have they served before they decided to run for office and will they continue to serve (the community) once they are out of politics. I can say, yes, emphatically.
How have you served your community?
We've been in the area (Hays County/Dripping Springs) a little over five years. Something I've always been passionate about is working with kids and coaching. I've coached kids for about 15 years. I've coached basketball, soccer, but predominantly lacrosse, the oldest American sport first organized by the American Indians and now the fastest growing sport in the country. I started a small business about 12 years ago running some lacrosse leagues for men. I started a summer lacrosse league for men. We have nearly 500 people involved. I started running some leagues in Austin and took over a league of about 36 teams and this past year was up to 110 teams, including teams for kids in kindergarten through 8th grade. A significant amount of the funds go to a non-profit. My wife is on the board of the local pantry, Helping Hands Dripping Springs.
Why are you a Republican?
I'm a conservative first and running as a Republican. I believe in smaller government and lower taxes and those are the big reasons I'm running. I believe there are non-profits and churches that can do better with social services because their hearts are in it more and not the bureaucracy you find in the federal and state governments.
Any association or involvement with the Tea Party?
I've had a lot of Tea Party types contact me. I've had no involvement before running for state representative. I'll take any help that can come my way – people who want to donate, block walk . . . for the right reasons, like decreasing some of the burdens on the taxpayer.
What are your plans to reduce the tax burdens?
We've got to reduce the burden of property taxes. We'll never truly own our homes or property as long as there's a property tax, that is unacceptable. We've got to find another solution. I don't have the answer but I'm willing to work on it. I think our business tax structure is just too high. (The expanded state franchise tax?) That's one of the things I disagree with him (Gov. Perry) on. He and Rose put in place a new gross margin tax which is one of the worst things we could have done at the time. We need to quit looking for new streams of revenue and start doing more with less. (Assessment of the local economy?) It's below where it needs to be. I believe it could be much better. There are a lot of families that are hurting and I think we could certainly reduce the tax burden on home and business owners.
(Here's what Isaac says on his website: "A consumption-based model is one possible solution, and it would have to be a constitutional amendment approved by Texas voters. “But I like the consumption-based model…I like that possibility – and it would have to be a constitutional amendment that the voters across the state would have to approve, but step #1 let’s reduce the cap from 10%-3%…”)
You have made a pledge to never increase state taxes if you are elected. Would that include state "fees" which have increased session after session under Perry, from hunting licenses to the vehicle sales tax?
I couldn't agree more. Fees are just another way to tax. When they run out of taxes they can put on people, they start putting on fees. There has been a significant decline in the number of hunters. It's a dying sport in Texas. It's getting more and more expensive to go hunting. We have got to get back to a fiscal conservative government. It drives me crazy. We're creating a nanny state where we're taking care of everybody.
What about immigration issues and the state's projected big budget deficit?
I say there is a big incentive plan here in the State of Texas to come over here illegally. We provide social services without providing proof that they are here legally. You can come over here, work, get paid cash and then you can go down there and say I don't make enough money, I have no job and need food stamps. It's called the Lone Star Card in Texas. That's false. In looking at where to cut the budget next session, that's one of the first areas I'll be looking at.
Do you support toll roads?
I do not. I can't stand toll roads. We need to end the diversion of the fuel tax and I know there are fuel tax diversions going on. TxDOT has to be held accountable – when they misplace a billion dollars because their accounting isn't good. Rose has said he is opposed to tolling existing roads. But he's got an exception for the Y in Oak Hill. He says the only solution is involving tolling to fix the Y. I disagree one hundred percent.
A strong effort was made in the last session of the Legislature by a coalition of Hill Country counties to win more county authority and control over development in unincorporated areas. Will you support that ongoing effort and coalition?
Honestly I will have to look into that. I do agree we need responsible development. You just can't grow out of control because we don't have the water to sustain it. I don't want any huge apartment buildings in Dripping Springs, we'd run out of water. We need to plan to grow responsibly, make sure builders are putting in systems out there to prolong our water supply. I love rain water systems. I wish the return on investment was quicker, maybe we can take a look at potential requirements.
Managing our groundwater responsibly in western Hays County and the Hill Country also is a huge issue with folks. What's your position on strengthening the local groundwater district's authority and funding? Who did you support in the Backus/Key election in May for the District 3 seat on the HTGCD board?
I didn't openly support anyone for that race. I was just getting into my own race. What I did not support openly, along the same lines of what ACC is trying to do in some areas, is trying to create these taxing districts. I do agree we need to protect our groundwater and make sure it's there for future generations. I have a big concern about people coming in to buy water rights and sell the water. That's not right. I know that Rep. Rose takes a lot of money from people who own water rights. It concerns me a lot. What's next, are they going to start trading oxygen? I know that Chapter 36 was a big concern with the HTGCD, many were scared of Chapter 36 and there was a lot of support for Chapter 36. I wasn't surprised that it (Backus/Key election) came down to a two-vote margin. (We asked if he would support a small ad valorem tax to support the groundwater district.) I would not support any new additional taxes. (It was not totally clear if Isaac would support legislation to allow voters in the district to vote a property tax up or down.)
On education and public schools . . .
We've got to be more efficient at our (school) administration level. Our current ratio of teacher to non teacher positions is one to one. I believe we need to be closer to 3 to 1. We need to make sure that 65 percent of funds, at minimum, a school district receives are spent in the classroom and that includes teacher salaries. I heard today that the average salary for a non teacher is $10,000 higher than a teacher's salary. I can't quote the source but that's what I heard. (Isaac's two sons are enrolled at Rooster Springs Elementary School, kindergarten and 2nd grade, in the DSISD.)
On religion . . .
I grew up Methodist. My wife grew up Church of Christ. We compromised and go to a Church of Christ, Westover Hills, in Austin. Politics doesn't come up at church, that's one of the things we love about going to a church outside of the district.
What kind of reception are you receiving from Democrats in the District? Very good.
What about support from the local Republican Party organizations?
Absolutely solid. It was tough going at first because people thought Rep. Rose can't be beaten. Now that they know me, know my wife and two boys, we're running circles around Rose when it comes to campaigning. We are the hardest working campaign in the state right now. We have got tremendous support from those groups.
You attended a protest rally at the State Capitol during President Obama's recent visit to Texas. What was that all about?
I was invited to speak at a Hands Off Texas rally. They invited me to speak and I participated. I led the Pledge of Allegiance. I knew there would be some conservatives at that event and I need to reach everybody. I've got to reach conservatives, independents and I've got to reach Democrats and Libertarians.
You have received two very sizable contributions from two individuals, one from Robert Seale of Dripping Springs for $100,000. How are you explaining to voters such a huge contribution from one person?
I asked. It's a funny story, it really is, kind of comical the way it worked out. There have been two instances in this campaign that have really shocked people. Another one is when Tom Gleinser (Libertarian, ran in 2006, 08) and was on the ballot in '10 but withdrew and endorsed me. I got a bunch of phone calls asking what did you do, how did you get him off the ballot. They quickly realized it wasn't very exciting. It was pretty similar with Mr. Seale. I called him in January and said I don't know how you lean, I'm the conservative on the ballot. I know him as a successful businessman that lives in the district. I've known that for a couple of years because I coached his son in lacrosse. He hopped on board and said he would help me raise some money and said he would make a sizable contribution to the campaign. Apparently he's more well off than I thought. I was really looking for leadership and business acumen to help with the campaign and he wound up writing a big check.
How's the fundraising going?
I'd love someone writing me a check for a million dollars but I don't think that will happen. $300,000 would be good. We've just got to keep going with getting my name out. My name recognition was low until Rose started running his attack ads.
Texas is gaining more seats in Congress due to a significant population increase. Redrawing of the state's Congressional Districts will be a big issue next session. Any thoughts on that and whether you would be willing to have Hays County taken out of Democratic Congressman Lloyd Doggett's 25th District?
I just met someone today who has been a redistricting expert and said call me if you want to learn more about it. I don't have a lot of experience or input but I do know it will be important in the session. I think Doggett is good for Travis County. I believe he is representative of that county but seems he doesn't win any of the other counties he represents. Maybe Travis would be large enough to have just Travis (inside one district). I don't rush to judgment. I like to think things through and then just try to use common sense. I certainly don't like to promise things.
I'm sure Mr. Isaac's is a nice, well-meaning man, but his ignorance on the "65% rule" is inexcusable, especially being from Dripping Springs with our large rural area.
While putting 65% of ever dollar into the classroom SOUNDS good, if you examine what this really means, you realize it is not a good thing.
For example, buses are "administrative", as are lunchrooms, heating & air conditioning, insurance, etc. (At one point, nurses were also considered “administrative, as were libraries, but I think they’ve been reclassified-might want to check with TEA on that.)
In a district like Dripping Springs, with around 300 miles of bus routes (and spending around $1Million a year on transportation), having salaries we can afford AND put 65% of every dollar into the classroom is very, very difficult.
Most people hear “administrative” and think “superintendents, principals, etc.”, but that includes all those things listed above, and while they may not actually TEACH, getting kids to and from school, having a building that is at least somewhat comfortable temperature wise and insured in case of a fire or storm is also very important.
The rather funny and certainly unintended consequence of the 65% rule (which was NOT passed in the Lege, but an executive rule put in by Perry) is that in order to comply, we must give teachers bigger raises so that their salaries are indeed 65% of the total budget. Certainly not what Grover Norquist intended when he put this plan into action, but it is about the only way you can have a school with a large rural bus route AND comply with that percentage. I’m all for paying teachers a good salary, but that usually does come with a tax increase so we can afford it. Is Mr. Isaacs supporting a tax increase so we can pay teachers better?:)
Mr. Isaacs should consult with the area school superintendents and see how hard they’re trying to comply with all the legislative mandates and still get within that ratio so that schools aren’t taken over by private entities (which is the fate of those that don’t meet standards.) How would DS ISD parents like to see their local school taken over by a private for-profit business?
Being a regular family guy already gives Isaac two legs up on his opponent. Nothing really radical comes out at me in this interview, except that he is married with two kids and is a hard working father and husband and isn't spouting off a bunch of religious right wing mumbo jumbo.
And Kathi, if you look at the 65% formula differently it is intended to put the money into good classroom instruction and good teaching and not to support the huge, elaborate buildings and stadiums, infrastructure and administration that school districts seem to think are the bigger priorities while passing all the costs on to the taxpayer.
I want my school taxes going to support the kids education, not a gigantic expensive school development program. School districts and managers need to move the money and focus directly into the classrooms and cut administration expenses or you will lose the support of the tax payers. All it takes is a little creativity. I'm sure it can be done in the DS district.
The 65% rule can be burdensome to large area rural schools and Jason Isaac has two young boys who will soon be attending a DSISD elementary school.
I suspect Mr. Isaac will use his good sense, business experience and creativity to fashion a solution to the 65% rule that targets those large area rural schools while achieving the intended goal of investing in classrooms where children obtain their education. I don't believe Mr. Isaac is interested in trading a good education for a bus ride.
It's clear that Mr. Isaac isn't a one issue candidate and is open to working for the benefit of his constituents. The incumbent was only 23 and just out of college when first elected to the legislature. I am encouraged that Mr. Isaac is experienced, open-minded and doesn't speak out of both sides of his mouth as the incumbent does.
Focusing on such a technical point to criticize Mr. Isaac seems unfair. When I compare the two candidates, the one with children, a family and business experience seems more like most of us than someone who doesn’t have a family or a real job. I've seen the incumbent's legislative record and I've had enough of the special interests being represented at my expense.
As Treasurer for the KAPS Charter School District Board of Directors, I will confirms Kathi's comments that operation expenses are taking an increasingly larger chunk of overall school district budget allocations. Specifically, transportation costs at KAPS are difficult to predict and budget for, as buses and vans break down, while insurance and transportation maintenance costs inflate without a break.
However, one reality both Kathi and Mr. Isaac seemingly refuse to acknowledge is that in Texas public schools the upper level administration run the districts like their own fiefdoms. They have a history of giving out construction and service contracts to their community buddies - from church, business associations, etc. - and rarely do we not see Superintendents get an outsized pay raise, even while districts are running painful budget deficits that are compromising academic acheivement.
At KAPS, our Superintendent had not taken a pay raise for three years - until last year - so the school could operate more for the academic benefit of the students and to reward the long hard hours put in by the exemplary and dedicated teachers at KAPS.
Maybe these politically motivated education talking points like the "65% rule", "no child left behind", etc. should be replaced with reality based needs analysis and practical budget applications like we must do at KAPS.
Here's one novel idea for the local public school districts: hire a teacher for his or her academic competence and have them coach as a sideline - rather than the other way around.
And we wonder why the US economy and the US public education system is in trouble.
If Isaac is a "hard working, middle class conservative regular family guy," why does he want to ruin his life by running for elected office in the economically corrupt state of Texas and the anger addicted county of Hays?
Voting for and electing candidates from any party is always a crap shoot. We can all see pretty plainly that the voters have rolled a pair of snake eyes with Rose and with his well known close links to big money power brokers. I like it that Mr. Isaac is a hard working individual and is not espousing extreme positions and grandiose plans (circa Rick Green). I'd like to see more pledges from Isaac, like a self imposed term limit of 2 terms, like regular town hall meetings in the district, like not taking any contributions while in office above say $500 and like not currying special favor to trucking interests in the state. If he can do that I'll vote for him and encourage my friends and neighbors to do same. If he can't I just won't vote for either of the candidates.
I'm going to go with the voter imposed term limit plan, and that means I'm voting to oust little Patrick Rose. He's had four terms in office and he wants another. That would make 10 years in office without a real job.
Precious has been in office for eight years and my water bill is still out of sight. Instead of working on TCEQ reform or water utility reform, Rose is creating new special districts (MUDs) and holding hands with development interests.
We can start our own terms limits movement by voting AGAINST Rose and Barton and FOR Isaac and Cobb.
I have had enough of Rose and his career politician aspirations. I am especially disgusted by his recent negative political ads. I guess it means he's worried. Thank you Jason Isaac for giving us the chance to vote for a conservative hard working family man!
Career politician is an oxymoron. I just assume even Mr. Isaac is a wanna be career politician, until I see otherwise? We can count on one hand the politicians who went back to private life after they failed to achieve their initially naive objectives.
Mr. Isaac needs to clarify his comments on illegal immigration if he is going to get my vote. Where is the legal responsibility of employers who hire illegal immigrants. No Republican ever talks about that aspect of the problem.
Why not impose big fines for US employers who hire illegal workers and take that money and pay for the so-called Lone Star Card tax drain? Why are the workers who are used by American employees for cheap labor and to fill jobs no American will work always the ones who are chastised for their illegality - but not the employers?
It is a major hypocrisy that the primarily Republican mindset conveniently ignores. And it usually pops up only when the US economy is in the tank.
I may even donate to Mr. Isaac's campaign if he can give me a good and credible answer to that issue.
School systems have become huge tax payer supported entertainment conglomerates with stadiums and football franchises, fancy gyms, performing arts centers and high paid PhD marketing types that double as superintendents and assistant sups. The students who want to learn are being overshadowed by the glitz and glamor. Our schools are no longer centers for teaching the basics to our children. Many high school grads even those who get thousands in scholarships because their parents are well connected with the school administrations and coaches can't write a decent essay in freshman college English lit if their life depended on it. Half of the money that goes into our schools is a big frickin waste. The tax payers are too stupid too busy too ignorant or too sold out to see this scam for what it is. If I could legally stop paying my school property tax, I would do it immediately. I have only one thing to say to Jason Isaac---get this whole screwed up mess straightened out. Make it your mantra. If you can make any headway at all you'll be a hero for all those burdened taxpayers you talk about.
The main problem with public education is that those in charge try to run it like a business, which it should not be.
The primary cause is because those who design budgets and curriculum are mostly legislators, business folks appointed to commissions, committes and school boards and too many school administrators.
Kathi and Rocky: I can forgive Isaac for not being astute on the 65 percent issue. A non-politician and short-term resident may not be able to know everything about every issue. There is a learning curve associated with becoming an elected official.
There is a question whether legislators and business folks really want public education to succeed and/or whether they have the background and expertise in ensuring its success.
I was in public education for 10 years as a Teacher, Principal and a Director of School Business Collaboratives. I was a University Professor for 8 years and a Director of Information Services in the private sector and in state government. I have seen how public education works and doesn't work on many levels. It is easy to improve public education if the right people are authorized to do it.
I believe in School-Based Management (SBM), where a team comprised of {one of each) administrators, teachers, students, parents and staff work together as representatives of the entire school to set up goals and objectives for their particular school program. The plans, curriculum and school direction are ultimately approved by the Superintendent and Board.
The programs I developed were run on this method and were immensely successful. Texas needs to do the same thing: prioritize and cut costs.
I will be voting for Mr. Isaac because I believe he will listen better to his constituents than does Rep. Rose.
First let me say good job to Bob for the story (though the editorial comments amidst the candidate's responses were annoying); second, after reading the comments, I would say that these are for the most part fair comments, some cynicism, though overly so.
Bob, keep up with this kind of reporting, and you will be fine.
Kathi: DSISD is at approximately 55% being spent in the classroom; we can do better. Teachers should be paid more. If there was more transparency in regards to where every dollar was being spent I bet operations would be more efficient.
Rocky: I don't have any aspirations to be a career politician; that wasn't an career choice available in HS/College and I don't think it should be available now. I'll work to end retirement benefits for state legislators which I believe would significantly reduce the incentive to be a career-politician; the retirement benefits are absurd. I don't get paid to work on the non-profits I lead and certainly don't get a retirement; it should be the same in the legislature. As Rep Rose informed me, "this district hasn't had a rep longer than 8 years since before the 50's" and that's a tradition I plan to help him keep alive. I think 8 years is good enough for our president; it should be good enough for our state representative too. As for immigration I would like to see an e-verify (federal) type system in place in Texas. We have got to get serious about illegal immigration.
Anonymous: I don't think I'll be ruining my life (at least I hope not); I just have a desire to serve.
PO'd Tax Payer: I will fight to end the burden of property taxes; we'll never own our property as long as their are property taxes. But Rep Rose doesn't mention that when he's completely lying about me in his commercial.
All: Don't hesitate to contact me 512-850-5524.
I would appreciate your consideration on Oct 18-29 or Nov 2.
Jason Isaac
Candidate for State Representative, HD 45
While comparing notes with two friends who have spoken with both Rose and Isaac recently, I'm even more confused about this race. My main issue is water, when I told them both that fact Rose and Isaac both proclaimed it was their number one priority. My friends issues are roads and taxes respectively. Again the same canned answers from both (insert concern)and they both will proclaim that it's their number one priority.
It's a toss up for me, one of the two will win either my vote or loss it at the LOWV debate.
The League of Women Voters is NOT a debate! It's a question and answer session and very biased. Good luck Mr. Isaac.
No response on the Roundup from Rep. Rose, Hmmm. Maybe he assumes he already has the liberal vote nailed down. Nice response from Isaac on eliminating Career Politicians retirement programs. It ought to apply to all government employees, and I do mean all.
True, the League of Women Voters thing is not a debate; I might ad that the ones I have attended in Wimberley are very left leaning. I don’t know if that is indicative of the State org. but I suspect it is. I do feel however, that Isaac will kick butt.
It sounds like DSISD needs to cleanup their act regarding the 65% rule. Maybe to much football.
You've got this wrong about Lloyd "I think Doggett is good for Travis County. I believe he is representative of that county but seems he doesn't win any of the other counties he represents." IN FACT he has handily won in Hays County... since 2006.. besides, we like him and may grow to like you too. facts is facts, source is the Texas Sec o' State..
Thanks, Jason, for your reply to my question about employers and illegal immigration. I was not aware of the "e-verify" system - so kudos to you for bringing it to my attention.
Unfortunately, after researching it, I want to point out the e-verify system is voluntary and assumes employers want to know about the illegals they hire. My guess is most employers who hire illegals are doing so to exploit their cheap labor and "hard working in the sun" willingness.
And. actually, I don't have a problem with hiring illegals, since 99% of Americans won't do that type of work anyway. The Arizona xenophobes pretend like that is not true, but it is.
However, I do have a big problem with the Meg Whitmans of the world who are liars and hypocrites when they act like they didn't know or didn't check the legal status of the "brown skinned woman with the heavy Spanish accent who takes a bus to your residence so she can clean your house." Hello? Reality? I think Meg has been on-line too much helping yard sall fanatics hawk their stuff on E-Bay.
Why would Californians vote for her to run the State if she can't even run her own household legally - knowingly or unknowingly?
Anyway, Jason, thanks again for your paragraph reply devoted to my questions and concerns.
Rocky, I guess you can’t help it as socialism is in your blood. I have a problem with you, Meg or anyone violating the law by hiring illegals. Your admission of guilt,
“actually, I don't have a problem with hiring illegals, since 99% of Americans won't do that type of work anyway.”
It is amazing how far you liberals will go to further the conspiracy of filling the country with more liberal/democrats or puppets to vote in a new socialism. The election of Obama has emboldened many of you, but don’t get too carried away by breaking the law. The illegals fill jobs that many Americans would do if the illegals weren’t here in the first place. That would force labor costs up to where they belong, then the American Citizens would/could do those jobs.
I really have to laugh every time one of you use the term, “xenophobe”, as it appears to be straight from the socialist play book.
AR-15? Is that some Republican talking points robot model number? Kind of like the R2D2 of insipid anger? Don't worry about Rocky B, I got this one.
You right wingnut people just don't get it. You Republicans and tea baggers love to politically scapegoat the illegals when the economy is in the tank but love that cheap labor when the economy is going gangbusters.
And of course you can't stand it when someone like Rocky B. points out your own hypocrisy and your leader's brainwashing lies when you are confronted by it.
Conservatives don't want to pay higher wages to Americans to do the lousy work the illegals do. All you people want to do is squeeze the most profit out of every business transaction regardless of the consequences.
That is the real agenda of the Republican and Libertarian parties. Anything else is a lie and a fantasy of the right. And then they blame someone else for their own economic failures.
And then you throw out bogus words like "socialist" and "liberal" because you cannot explain the cognitive dissonance in your economic philosophy. Your economic belief that trickle down economics works is a fallacy - and a lie.
We had that for eight years under Bush. The stock market and the real estate market started to fall apart in 2007 before any "socialist liberal" took office.
Oh, I forgot, it was the liberal Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Democratic Congress after 2006 that caused it - not Bush and the nuts who ran the asylum with him.
Gee, I sure am glad R2D2 cleared up the source of America's economic ills.
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