Update 4:55pm: Texas Tribune | Lawmakers move to limit public scrutiny of Perry travel – Just as Gov. Rick Perry steps out on the national stage in a possible run for president, lawmakers back home are moving to limit public scrutiny of what taxpayers are being charged to protect the governor when he's out on the road . . . Spending on (Perry's DPS) protective detail will probably increase dramatically if Perry starts traveling to early nominating states, such as Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida, in a White House bid. When former Texas Gov. George W. Bush began running for president, state security costs skyrocketed, shooting past $1.8 million in 1999 — more than a sixfold increase from the previous year.

Hays County Commissioners Court and other local government entities have been largely silent, or have taken no position publicly, on the effects a three-way congressional split might have on the county.
Meanwhile, a Hays County redistricting committee is moving rather slowly in drawing new commissioner, JP and voting precinct boundaries to adjust for substantial population growth in the county between 2000 and 2010. The county's redistricting plan must pass a federal Voting Rights Act review. Thus far, no public meetings have been scheduled for public input. There are 4 members on the redistricting committee: Commissioners Conley and Ingalsbe, the chair of the local Republican Party and a representative from the local Democratic Party.
Texas Tribune June 28 2011 – SB 4, the Legislature's attempt at redrawing congressional lines to make room for four new districts, has made its way through the House and Senate. It's now with Gov. Rick Perry, who can sign the bill, veto it or let it rest on his desk to become law on its own. No matter his decision, however, the issue is likely to end up before the U.S. Department of Justice and in federal court.
KSAT San Antonio 6/10/11 – The League of United Latin American Citizens filed a lawsuit against the State of Texas Friday challenging the way state lawmakers are re-drawing maps that determine congressional districts. Luis Vera, LULAC's national general counsel, said state Republicans are relying on bad census numbers and are violating the Voting Rights Act.LULAC filed its legal challenge in the U.S. District Court's Western District of Texas. The suit alleges the state is trying to take away votes from Latinos.
Houston Chronicle 5/31/11 – Congressman Gene Green, D-Houston, and three Democratic House members from Texas who represent large Hispanic populations – Reps. Charlie Gonzalez of San Antonio, Silvestre Reyes of El Paso and Lloyd Doggett of Austin, have filed suit in federal and state courts in Austin seeking court-ordered creation of two Hispanic congressional districts in Harris County with more than 60 percent Hispanic population.
Statesman 5/24/11 – Travis County commissioners voted Tuesday to authorize County Attorney David Escamilla to file a lawsuit over the state's redistricting efforts. County officials are concerned about current plans to split Travis County into four U.S. congressional districts, Escamilla said. "We want to be in a position to counter those efforts."
Read my dictionary: gerrymandering is illegal and cost the taxpayers MUCH money to go before the courtsDefinition of GERRYMANDER
transitive verb 1: to divide (a territorial unit) into election districts to give one political party an electoral majority in a large number of districts while concentrating the voting strength of the opposition in as few districts as possible" Merriman-Webster says. " This Texas "lege" many go down in history as the most wasteful, arrogant and most frightened and unable to adjust to change across time.
To design an entire legislative map to defeat Lloyd Doggett only emphasizes how good and effective he is! And, how afraid of him "they" are.
May the Hays County elected officials step forward very soon!
Please ...........!
Roberta, in the beautiful Wimberley Valley ... Let us protect things here from the short-sightedness of the money hungry!!!
The Latinos have brought this all on themselves. Texans don't want a Socialist Latin voting block. They come here and want to change things; what a pity.
Many Anglos encourage them, out of white guilt. Stupid is as stupid does.
Gee Roberta, You can read after all. Lets hear something from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. LOL
I am always amazed at how when redistricting comes up, people complain about gerrymandering. When the democrats controlled the Texas legislature, this happened all the time. Many of the districts from years past were drawn to insure that the incumbent stays in office.
I was disappointed in lloyd Doggett and how he was unresponsive to those u=of us in Hays County when we wrote, called ,etc. I find it ironic that he now complains about some voting groups loosing their voice, but he never listened to those in his own district.
It is always progress when an unresponsive elected official is replaced. Even though he did not agree with me, I felt that I deserved the dignity of a response. His silence was deafening. I am sure that many of the trial lawyers, insurance companies and medical groups NOT living in his district but contributing to his campaign were listened to more than those he is sworn to represent.
Effects of splitting Hays County into three districts? San Marcos Kyle and Buda will get all the pork and attention from their congressman. Wimberley, Dripping and Woodcreek are too small for any congresscritter to care about.
No biggie. Folks in those places could care less anyways. Waste of a good congressman's time. Adios mofos.
It's back to days of taxation w/out representation. Equal to about what youre getting right now from your county commissioners.
At the moment Hays County is due to be divided into 3 U.S. Congressional districts (until
lawsuits are settled). Those three districts are:
U.S. House District 21 - now held by Republican Lamar Smith, and he likely will be re-elected to it.
U.S. House District 25 - now held by Democrat Lloyd Doggett. Doggett probably will run for the new District 35 seat next time. A Republican probably will be elected to the House 25 District.
U.S. House District 35 - one of the 4 new districts Texas will have in the next U.S. House. Lloyd Doggett and Joaquin Castro likely will be Democrat candidates for the new House seat, and one of them probably will beat any Republican challenger from the 58% Hispanic district.
Texas GOP and State Rep Jason Isaac, who voted for SB 4, have done a real hack job on Hays County. A community of interest one day, the next day vanished, and not one tweet out of Isaac. I will register my displeasure by not supporting his reelection.
Jason Isaac is an ignorant pandering wingnut. Isaac makes Will Conley look like a genius.
If he is re-elected next time, it will be a result of the growing stupidity of Hays County voters to see the truth about their own economic plight. They deserve what they get if they keep lying to themselves about the real problems facing our local economy.
"Drain, baby, drain" our water supply in the face of a historic drought.
First Anonymous-your bigotry never ceases to amaze me.
I assume Anglo-Anonymous who shows his true colors (or lack of) by writing: "Many Anglos encourage them, out of white guilt. Stupid is as stupid does."
I assume the nameless one hiding in his hole means people like me.
No, it is not "white guilt" - as is typical of racist attacks disguised as counter arguments.
And it is not surprising how racial hate speech becomes institutionalized as "conservative" diatribes of "attack the messenger" that anyone but the writer of such hate can see is where the real racism lies.
A sad manifestation of our times.
"The truth shall set you free"
Has anyone looked at what Hays County is doing for their redistricting? Why hasn't anyone posted maps or information on what they are doing for Hays County? Who is on the committee? I think Mr. O'Dell needs to investigate what Hays County is doing and let the voters know. Please check into this for us.
@Anonymous 11:30 a.m., why should O'Dell look into the county's redistricting? I'm sure there are plenty of private citizens who can do their own checking with a few phone calls and questions. GET INVOLVED. This is your county and democracy to win or lose. Looking for others to do your job for you is a cop out.
To Anonymous, June 30, 11:03 AM:
As this article mentions (paragraph 4), the redistricting committee for county commissioner precincts is made up of Commissioners Conley and Ingalsbe and a member from each of the county Democratic and Republican parties.
The committee met just yesterday in San Marcos. You can contact either of the commissioners to find out when the next meeting will be.
In commissioner precinct redistricting for Hays County, Precinct 2 (Kyle, Buda) will give up territory to the other three precincts. Precincts 1,3,and 4 will grow in area in order for their populations to approximate that of Precinct 2.
Commissioner Debbie Ingalsbe (on the redistricting committee) says that the committee aims to present its plan to Commissioners Court in July, and, if approved, send it on in August to the U.S. Department of Justice to see that it meets requirements of the Voting Rights Act.
There is a movement to draft Tommy Lee Jones to run as the Democratic contender for U.S. Senate. See 52-second video "Draft Tommy Lee Jones - Mess" at www.youtube.com.
You can also sign a petition asking him to run at
Roger Williams is also a possible
Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.
Roger Williams has dropped out of the race for U.S. Senate.
Tommy Ratliff said he'll run again for sheriff, but this time as a Republican.
Isn't it curious that the two county commissioners who are on the committtee for redrawing the lines for the 4 county precincts are the two commisoners who are up for re-election next time: Conley and Ingalsbe? Naturally they will draw the lines to maximize their chances of re-election.
Conley is said to fear (rightly) that his constituents in and around Wimberley and Woodcreek are fed up with his catering to developers. He'll try to draw the lines to put more of his precinct in San Marcos, where he has chums and is the Car Wash King.
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