
Monday, August 30, 2010

Perry ducks question on high insurance rates

From WFAA in Dallas – Gubernatorial candidate Bill White and Gov. Rick Perry on Texas' second-highest-in-the-nation home insurance rates.


Anonymous said...

Perry ducks any question that requires an honest and intelligent answer.

independent voter said...

I can not fathom it. I would think the independent voters of this state would impose a term limit on this insurance industry puppet.

Peter Stern said...

Approximately four years ago lax insurance legislation with Perry, then TDI Commissioner Jose Montemayor and elected officials looking the other way, the insurance industry overnight doubled home insurance premiums to over-compensate for previous years of a soft market.

While I personally dislike most government interference into our daily lives, we have seen during the past decade of events how greed takes over our legislative system at the national and local level, and that there is a need for some government regulation to protect the interests of the community at-large.

After the fact of doubling insurance premiums in Texas Perry, Montemayor and legislators promised homeowners that 1) money would be returned and 2) that premiums would be lowered significantly. Obviously, that did NOT occur.

It is interesting that Texans continue to vote in Perry year after years when the man clearly is special interest focused and obviously does not care about hardworking and hardly working Texans.

R. Perry said...

You got me, Mr. Stern. And my wife couldn't have said it better herself.