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Tuesday, Aug. 16, the final public hearing on county commissioner precinct redistricting will be held at 1:30 p.m. at the courthouse, 3rd floor. The Court probably will make the choice of one of four maps still under consideration.
You can download and view the maps in Pdf format at this link:
The meeting should last only about an hour. Folks are urged to attend if only to tell the commissioners court which map you favor. All you have to do is step up to the microphone and say, "I'm in favor of Map ____."
The four maps being considered are M1 Final (Conley's choice), M2 (Jones), O (Whisenant), and P (Ingalsbe). It looks like Judge Cobb may be the tie breaker, so it's important that you be there to let him know what you think.
The map chosen will form the precinct boundaries for the next 10 years.
Bets are now being taken on which map prevails, and if Judge Cobb can survive his deciding vote unscathed. Who will he side with: Whisenant, Jones, Igalsbe or Conley?

1 comment:
Map M2 was chosen by Commissioners Court to be the new redistricting map. All of the citizen speakers except one spoke in favor of Map O, but it came down to a vote of the 4 commissioners and the judge, and here is how they voted:
Ingalsbe - Plan O
Jones - Plan M2
Conley - Plan M2
Whisenant - Plan O
Cobb - Plan M2.
Sam Brannon spoke, too, but he was
asking for the entire redistricting process to be shut down and begun anew, with no commissioners on the redistricting committee, among other things.
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