"Your ideas and comments that made up the "First Ten" list have resulted in action being taken already by the city on several of these items . . . "
Note: This open letter was sent last night by the interim steering committee members of Open San Marcos, a citizen-based organization seeking more openness in local government. The group was founded by the late Steve Harvey of San Marcos.
Send your comments and questions to steering committee member John Thomaides at johnt7899@alphapurewater.com or click on the "comments" at the bottom of the letter
Dear Interested Citizens and Open San Marcos members,
The interim steering committee of Open San Marcos (OSM) would like to take this opportunity to update you on the latest developments of our mission and to highlight some of our successes so far.
We have been in regular contact with our City Manager, Jim Nuse, in an effort to bring the OSM "First Ten" items and Resolution for Open Government before the City Council for discussion. We are attaching the revised "First Ten" list and resolution that was agreed to by OSM membership over the past several meetings and which includes recommended language by the City Manager and approved by the interim steering committee. These initiatives will be formally discussed by the City Council on August 16th during the regular city council meeting at 6 p.m.
We have scheduled an important meeting of OSM on Wednesday August 10th at 7 p.m. at the Price Seniors Center, 222 W. San Antonio St.
We would like congratulate those of you who have advanced the issue of open government and transparency for San Marcos by participating in this worthy endeavor. Your ideas and comments that made up the "First Ten" list have resulted in action being taken already by the city on several of these items.
These include:
1) Financial Transparency: The city now lists every check it writes on the city website. Every citizen can see where their tax dollars are being sent.
2) Record of all votes taken: Citizens can now see how their elected officials vote on each issue the day after the meeting.
3) City Website: The city website is in the process of being improved to reflect the comments and concerns of OSM members.
Please make every attempt to attend the meeting on August 10th at the Price Center and the city council meeting on August 16th at City Hall.
Thank you in advance for your time and support,
OSM Interim Steering Committee
Thea Dake
Charles Sims
John Thomaides
"Open San Marcos?"
Isn't that just a verbatim real estate contract?
Thea Dake
Charles Sims
John Thomaides
The San Marcos "Gang of Three."
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