For anyone interested, today is Rick Perry's big Day of Prayer – The Response: A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis – now playing out at Reliant Stadium in Houston. News reports leading up to the event said the turnout would be far below expectations, and Perry's invitation to Republican governors drew just one "You betcha'!" from Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback. To watch the action, click on this live web stream link.
Rick Perry's Army of God
Illustration by Mario Zucca/Texas Observer

By Forrest Wilder
Texas Observer | Aug. 3, 2011
Read the complete story
On September 28, 2009, at 1:40 p.m., God’s messengers visited Rick Perry.
On this day, the Lord’s messengers arrived in the form of two Texas pastors, Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, who called on Perry in the governor’s office inside the state Capitol. Schlueter and Long both oversee small congregations, but they are more than just pastors. They consider themselves modern-day apostles and prophets, blessed with the same gifts as Old Testament prophets or New Testament apostles.
The pastors told Perry of God’s grand plan for Texas. A chain of powerful prophecies had proclaimed that Texas was “The Prophet State,” anointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government. And the governor would have a special role.
They believe they are the "chosen few" and let's hope that few Americans choose them to lead our nation.
I could have sworn the last time I saw someone beatified like that was Obama's campaign posters. Maybe St. Perry is using the same motif.
Hey Bubba!
It's supposed to be Scheiskopf, NOT Scheizkopf. ;)
Actually, Bubba and Peter, it's Scheisse (shit) and Scheissekopf (shithead).
Does R. Perry have only one necktie? In every picture I've seen lately, he's wearing a watery-red tie with some yellow in it. Maybe it's his good-luck charm?
Also, he likes to be photographed with one of his arms raised into the air or pointing at something.
Looks like he has studied Hitler's speechifying and gestures.
You are correct Barbara, my bad. Guess we Scheissekopfen are in the majority. LOL
Perry will not participate in the Republican presidential candidates debate in Ames, Iowa tonight because he is not yet a declared candidate. Eight other Republicans will take part.
The debate will be on Fox channel tonight (Aug. 11) at 8 p.m. our time.
The Iowa Straw Poll is a joke. It means nothing, so more and more candidates don't take it seriously.
More importantly, liar Rick Perry was interviewed by TIME.
Texas Governor Rick Perry wouldn't know the Truth if he tripped over it.
In the TIME interview with Mark Halperin when asked whether he wants to run for President Perry's response was:
"Perry: “Sure. I mean I wouldn’t be this far into the process…. The issue of, ‘is this what I want to do?’ was dealt with about 45 days ago in a conversation with my wife. Prior to that, no. Being the President of the United States was not on my radar screen from the standpoint of something I wanted to do.”
Unfortunately, Perry mostly does very well in an interview or debate situation. Two gubernatorial elections ago when Perry debated the Democratic candidate and 2 Independents, he virtually slam-dunked that debate. It was mostly because Independents 'Grandma' Strayhorn and Kinky Friedman were terrible in the debates.
Perry is a political con-man, which may be redundant, and probably is the best current GOP candidate to face an incumbent President Obama. Even though Obama has the lowest rating since taking office, he most likely will be reelected. There are no real candidates that will come close to him in the 2012 election.
Perry's TIME interview will hit the stands shortly.
The Texas Tribune reported that Perry thinks he has a shot at "...turning California red."
Remember when Perry visited California a while back. We were told it was to promote Texas as a state to do business in. More lies from Perry the scam artist.
The worse news is that if Perry runs for President and loses he will remain Governor of Texas. Texans just can't catch a break.
Good comment, Peter.
If a writer for the Texas Tribune said that of Perry re: California, I now have no respect for the Texas Tribune's vision.
If California, who just elected Governor "Moonbeam" Jerry Brown over the corporate woman who started the overpriced online junk store E-Bay, there is no way they would even let Perry dance at the Gay Price Festival on Castro Street.
I will take a $100 friendly bet that if the Republicans are stupid enough to select Perry as their Prez pick, he will NOT turn California red.
Only one bet though, since Americans seem to be getting dumber and more gullible by the minute about politicians.
You deserve who you vote for. Rose was not perfect but he was better than Issac!
Last Anonymous is correct.
If Anon is reminding me that I very stupidly voted for Isaac over Rose - very foolishly believing Isaac's pre-election "I am for small government" lies - yes, I must make amends to Hays County and Texas for that idiotic vote.
And yes, we get what we vote for - now almost comprehensively true for Republicans but also increasingly true for the new growing majority of DINO corporatist Democrats.
Rose was more EFFECTIVE in getting what his donors wanted passed in the Lege, but I wouldn't say he was BETTER (morally) than the ineffectual Jason Isaac.
Rose did not treat women like cattle in his legislative efforts.
Rose is ten times the moral man Isaac is.
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