"We're not even focused on the smart ways to get Americans working because we're chasing the Tea Party down the street."

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Van Jones was President Obama's special adviser for "green" jobs when he was hit with a wave of criticism from conservative pundits about his past associations. The controversy forced him to leave his post in September 2009, but it wasn't the last we'd hear of him.
That same conservative wave went on to make a major splash in Congress through the Tea Party. Jones decided to fight back, founding a group called the "American Dream Movement."
Some people call Jones' group a liberal version of the Tea Party. His inspiration, he tells weekends on All Things Considered host Guy Raz, is the silent majority of Americans who he believes oppose Tea Party platforms. Jones says his group now has 127,000 members.
"Sixty to 70 percent of Americans agree that jobs are more important than this debt-ceiling debacle," Jones says. "Sixty-seven percent of Americans agree that we should raise taxes on the wealthiest in a crisis like this. We aren't being represented."
Jones finds it ironic that those who see government as the problem refer to themselves as patriots. "Everything the Tea Party says about America's government is how terrible it is," Jones tells Raz. "You can't take a wrecking ball, paint it red, white and blue, call yourself a patriot, and then smash down every institution that made America great."
"Pick a side everybody, pick a side."
We're so being played.
Meanwhile, the Obama Administration is running new wars in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia, and innocents are still dying (albeit for humanitarian causes).
Secret rendition camps still exist. The ATF is selling automatic weapons to FBI informants working for the Zetas and cartels. And our economy is in a tailspin.
Be "Conservative" and wave a flag and elect more PATRIOT Act loving congressman who don't believe in your 4th Amendment Rights.
Be "Progressive" and give this same government more power to control your life.
Pick a side. Dig in your heels. The other guys are so wrong, you must be right.
It remains to be seen if the American Dream Movement is just a front group for Obama's now exposed agenda to eventually become just another rich lobbyist or corporate executive after his one or two term Presidency.
Van Jones was given a cowardly push out the door by Obama when Glenn Beck put his psycho voodoo on him. That was one of Obama's first curtsies to the right wing and he has not bowing to them since.
Jones is correct in that most intelligent middle class Americans are not being represented by either Obama or the Republicans, whether they see it or not.
I wish Van Jones luck. But he will need to be more than just "liberal" to make any headway in politics these days. He will need to be aggressively progressive.
Al-Anon # 2 wouldn't know a communist if his daughter was one.
My guess is Al-Anon 2 is a stone cold racist, since they are usually the ones calling any black activist a communist. These are the people giving the Tea Party a bad rap. Racist haters of diversity. And a coward.
You can all see what type of person Al-Anon 2 is by going to the website:
This, folks, is what the Tea Party/baggers are really about.
And you right wingers refuse to accept responsibility for your failed policies and bending of the constitution.
Obama sucks. GWB sucked. There is no one taking any responsibility for the citizens of this nation.
So, stop pointing fingers only at lefties and pick up a mirror and see your own faults. You and your righties don't have immunity for our many issues and problems.
Anonymous 6:06
Nobody's fault but yours.
And mine.
Now... What do YOU gonna do about it?
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