
Monday, February 8, 2010

Take a Ride On The Perry Go Round!

Rick Perry Claims To Have Lowered Taxes But Under His Watch, Taxes Have Gone Up Nearly $1.6 Billion

Note: A web site paid for by Texans for Kay Bailey Hutchison pokes some animated fun at Gov. Cowpoke Perry:
Interestingly enough, we found the advertisement posted momentarily on the lefty blog, Daily Kos.

. . . . Rick Perry has turned the Governor’s Office into a Revolving Door of Money and Influence for his friends.

When you take a closer look at some of the worst decisions to come out of Perry’s office, they all seem to have one thing in common: A former or future Perry staffer was lobbying for them and giving big bucks to Perry’s campaigns.


The Right Truth said...

Everybody knows Perry is a joke except his supporters. Compared to Rick Perry, even oil industry lackey Kay Bailey Hutchison looks smart and sensible.

Who we really need is Bill White, the ex-Houston major who got widespread bi-partisan support managing that huge city. It is time for Texas to move into the 21st century.

I. M. Cynic said...

Bill White? He has been too successful as the Major of Houston. We can't have someone that skilled as our Governor. After Bush and Perry, White might be voted out of office after one term for making our citizens more important than the energy companies. That would be heresy in this state. Besides, Sarah Palin endorsed Rich Perry. What else does anyone need to know?

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin will help remove Perry from office in 2010.

Those are 2 P's in a pod!

Anonymous said...

Perry is an irresponsible worm and we need to remove him from office.

Currently, according to various polls, Perry is leading his opponents. We should be afraid that he will win another term as Governor. Perry is bad for most Texans and their families.

Texans deserve a better governor.

Anonymous said...

It is futile. Perry will win again.