
Friday, May 22, 2009

An open letter from Citizens Alliance for Responsible Development

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Editor's Note:
The Friendship Alliance has allowed the use of its auto-email software to send an email letter to both Rose and Wentworth under your name. Click here to share your considered thoughts with your elected representatives in Austin.

To date our State Legislators, Representative Patrick Rose and Senator Jeff Wentworth, have been unresponsive to the needs of our area to help our locally elected groundwater district, the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, have reliable funding and sufficient oversight to manage our limited groundwater and protect our wells from going dry. There is still time for these elected officials to attach the compromise bill favored by the HTGCD as an amendment to another bill already out of committee.

The Friendship Alliance has allowed the use of its auto-email software to send an email letter to both Rose and Wentworth under your name. Please open the attached link, insert your name and address and email, and add any comments you wish. Then click on "Send Email" and your letter will go to both elected officials. We need to flood their offices with hundreds of email letters and hope they see the light and take action during the remainder of this legislative session. Please take action, send your letter, and PLEASE forward this communication to your friends who care about protecting our precious groundwater for our future. Thanks. Jim McMeans


Anonymous said...

Can we use the software to thank Rose and Wentworth for both protecting us from a new taxing authority, and protecting our private property rights?

Anonymous said...

Me thinks #1 has a big crush on Patrick!

Charles O'Dell said...

Rose and Wentworth can grant the Groundwater Conservation District limited taxing authority through long delayed legislation - but only the voters can authorize a small tax on themselves.

Isn't that a refreshing idea...authority in the hands of the voters.

Message to Rose and Wentworth: You can listen to the voters now or wait to hear from them in next year's election.

Anonymous said...

Turn up the volume, Mr. O'Dell!! Methinks, John Q Public is slowly gettin' it...and many only learn by rote and VOLUME!! And apparently Rose and Wentworth do not have their hearing aids turned on or up...time to delete!!