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Friday night
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Hills Edge Grille
The Hays County RoundUp has been in existence for over two years – two years and eight months to be exact. With this post, we've now published 540 articles and videos covering mostly the political scene in Hays County.
We like to think we're making a difference in offering an alternative style of reporting and commentary that is not standard fare in the local newspapers.
Readership has been growing steadily. We'll share the numbers at the mixer.
So, partly in celebration and partly as an exercise in thinking aloud, the RoundUp is hosting a community mixer and what we are calling a FUNraiser Friday evening, Oct. 22, 6:30 to 8:30 at Hills Edge Grille & Pub in Wimberley (directions here). Come early if you want to order food and drinks or order from the Koi Room. Gather in the Koi Rm at 7:15. Live music starts at 8:30.
We want to share our plans moving forward. The plans are fluid – enough that we might not be around after three months. We want to hear from readers and the community: a) if the RoundUp is valued and b) how can it best be sustained financially and remain an independent news and information source.
Everyone is invited. We want to extend a special invitation to all candidates and officeholders. Come on down and shake some hands. We're pretty sure not everyone attending will have already voted. You still have 11 days before Election Day Nov. 2 to convince folks you're the right person for the job.
We'll have several speakers, a brief talk from the editor, followed by an open forum and Q&A then a call to arms.
Note to politicians: We can take it as good as we give it.
The RoundUp is like KUT or KLRU---you either support it or loose it. The RoundUp is there to inform with investigative reporting and as a venue for public expression---anonymously or signed.
I for one don't want to see the only independent voice in Hays County go away so I'm contributing $100 from my Social Security check. That's a big chunk for me, but loss of the RoundUp would leave a gaping hole in government accountability and in public dialog.
Review the RoundUp archives for these past two plus years and decide for yourself if this is the type of journalism we can afford to lose.
I hope you will join me in supporting the Hays County RoundUp.
I'm going to start a contribution war. I will give the HC Roundup a check of $150.00 for start up money tonight at the Funraiser gig. Take that, O'Dell.
Come out everyone and support the Roundup. And there will NOT be a water dunking ball throwing machine for the shameless liberals and troublesome muckrackers to get wet who write stuff in the Roundup.
So you all have to use your minds and voice tonight.
I Love the Roundup, and so do all the folks who read the Roundup.
Please help keep it on the net.
You go Bob Ochoa!
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