Now, when I put two and two together, I get four. But if you were to believe the Republican Party, you would have to say that two plus two equals three
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By Rocky Boschert
Guest Commentary
On October 25 in the Daily Beast, these facts were written about the Republican Party:
“Companies that received money from the much-reviled federal bailout - also known as Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) - are now giving to the politicians who attacked their rescue. The 23 companies with political action committees that received at least $1 billion in TARP funds gave a total of $1.4 million to candidates in September. These companies include GM, J.P. Morgan, and Citigroup. Despite the fact that only three Republicans voted for the bill in the Senate, most of the money is going to Republican candidates. GM gave $5,000 to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who opposed the bailout of GM and Chrysler. TARP was passed under George W. Bush.”
After reading this, I would like to ask the conservative voters out there: “Don’t you ever wonder why you have the same economic values as rich people, when your chances of ever being rich are almost zero? I also ask you: “Don't you think that maybe all the TARP hypocrisy of the Republican Party, as described above, may just show that you are a little too easily manipulated by your right wing corporate idols like Steve Forbes, Larry Kudlow, or even Dave Ramsey?
And if you could take a minute to read this Wikipedia definition of what a plutocracy is, does this description of what constitutes a corporate state ring any bells?
“The influence the wealthy minority of the population has over the political arena includes campaign contributions, as well as bribing to achieve corporate objectives (profits) by essentially any form of manipulation of the government. Buyers of media properties shape public perception of political issues (see: fourth estate). We see an explosion of wealthy individuals and organizations exerting financial pressure on governments to pass favorable legislation. Plutocracies permit partisan organizations to raise funds for politicians, and it is well-known that political parties accept significant donations from various individuals (either directly or through corporate or advocacy groups). These donations may be part of a cronyist or patronage system. Some describe these donations as bribes, although legally they are not unless a quid pro quo exists.”
Now, when I put two and two together, I get four. But if you were to believe the Republican Party, you would have to say that two plus two equals three. So, I ask: “Why are you conservative voters again falling for the same misinformation and bogus free markets rhetoric put forth by the failed big business Republican Party political machine? Wasn’t eight years of Bush/Cheney/Boehner/McConnell enough to show you that the Republican Party is completely void of fresh economic solutions?
And, you, Joe Six Pack. What are the chances of you ever being rich? Yes, almost none. So why are you sacrificing your own financial security – as well as your critical thinking – for the rich Republican (or Democratic) plutocrats who only see your social security and health care premiums as another pool of your money to pilfer, while making you think they are looking out for your family’s interests?
And why, Tea Partiers, do you wish to dismantle the few remaining regulatory agencies that provide the anti-monopoly consumer & industrial safety laws and regulations we still need? What about your children and grandchildren? Are they going to have any of your leaders around to help protect them from the corporate criminals like BP, Massey Energy, and some of the Wall Street bankers, who are shaking your hand while they are killing your spouse or poisoning your children?
Local Voters, National Fears
On the national level, Obama has had only two years to try and repair eight years of mostly incompetent Republican leadership. And yes, he clearly has made two big mistakes domestically: One, he focused on health care instead of creating jobs; and second, his inexperience let the Clinton liberal corporatists who control the US Treasury further enrich their crony CEO friends on Wall Street – and so far has changed little of the greedy corrupt culture there.
But after Tuesday, it will be good to have a Republican majority US House of Representatives again. Why? Because maybe then voters with such an unbelievable short term memory will see AGAIN that the Republican Party hasn’t changed for the better. In fact, they are worse, i.e., further to the right and even more out of touch with valid solutions.
Thank you, Hays County
As voters, we do the best we can in local elections. I believe the politicians who run for local and state office from Hays County are basically good people. But they have a job to do. And for most of them, their job is not to represent the citizens who voted for them. It is to make money for the people who got them in office – while sacrificing as little of their own integrity and community grace as possible.
At the national level, and to some degree the state level, it no longer matters if you vote Republican, Democrat, or Independent. The big business plutocrats will continue to control the US and state economies until voters see we no longer live in an economic democracy.
Fortunately, voters have more control over our local economy and how our elections affect our personal finances. But I still thank God every day we don’t have a Sharon Angle running for office in Hays County.