
Friday, October 23, 2009

Props 2&3: Are they back doors for the State to tax your homestead?

We received this e-mail today from a very alert citizen regarding two of the proposed 11 amendments to our State Constitution. Early voting is now under way through Oct. 30 in Hays County. Election day is Nov. 3. The RoundUp also has recommended a No vote on Props 2&3 due to the vagueness of the language and the very real possibility they could, if passed, turn around and bite us all on the backside. There's nothing stopping the Lege, our governor and state agencies from interpreting them as they see fit. See story below by Charles O'Dell for more on all 11 proposed amendments. An interesting aside: Our State Rep. Patrick Rose was one of three authors of Propositions 2&3 (SJR 36).

The League of Women Voters has placed Voters Guides at the Village Library and at the Community Center in Wimberley.

Send your comments and news tips to or click on the "comments" button at the bottom of the story

Read the propositions at this link:

Click on this link for early voting locations:

Well folks, here it is! Rally the troops! I don’t often send out mass emails, but this one deserves it. The election in November will determine if the State can start taxing you if you own a home.

Please go vote. Elections with amendments usually have very low turnout and I think that is what the legislators are counting on. Let’s show them differently! We already have too high property taxes and now the State wants to start taxing us also on our homestead. Please read the forwarded email in it’s entirety and tell everyone you know to go vote NO! on Prop 2 & 3. Once this passes there is no turning it back!

On November 3rd, there will be Propositions 1, 2, and 3 allowing the State
of Texas to start taxing Residential Homeowners. So if you own a home, and these laws are passed, you will be taxed by the State.

I received a flyer from the Secretary of State, Hope Andrade, listing the
Propositions that are up for election in November. I called to question them before sending this message out to my homeowner friends.


Anonymous said...

History shows us that most Texans vote for all propositions to the constitution, so I wish you all good luck.

Very seldom in the past decade have I voted for one of the propositions.

Most of us would NEVER sign a contract with the words legislators use to manipulate us into voting for these unworthy proposed amendments.

Once again I will vote for none of them.

DonQ said...

This is an urban rumor/lie started by some taxing authority to scare the voters into voting against 2&3 since the propositions will cut into their revenue. There is nothing in either prop. That would allow the State to tax any more than they already do. The usual suspects for this lie include school districts.

Anonymous said...

Don, read the language: "The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to PROVIDE FOR THE AD VALOREM TAXATION OF A RESIDENCE HOMESTEAD solely on the basis of the property’s value as a residence homestead."

What could be more clear, or a subterfuge, than that?

Anonymous said...

It is not for the state to tax us home owners. It's to keep the county's from taxes us at a higher rate for what ever reason they deem necessary. What ever you do vote yes!!

DonQ said...

The truth about Prop. 2 & 3!

Let’s say you live on a 1-acre lot in the County and it is your homestead. Along comes an entrepreneur from Houston and builds a water park next door. Aside from the fact that this will irritate you, it will raise the value of your property if you go to sell it. Prop. 2 forbids the local taxing authorities from raising your appraisal to the new potential value caused by the water park, as long as you maintain your lot as a homestead.

The taxing authorities hate this and see it as cutting into their tax revenue. That’s why they are spreading this lie via e-mail and blogs. Don’t let them get away with this scam, Voter FOR Propositions 2 & 3.

Anonymous said...

Ask yourselves, why won't our bought legislators put initiative and referendum on the ballot, every November? Are they and their benefactors so afraid of putting themselves out of power & the exclusive decision-making business?

JimBob said...

Hey Don,

I'd like to see you sell your 1 acre property that is next door to a water park period, let alone for a substantial profit! You sniffin' that skunk weed again???

Anonymous said...

To the Roundup or ANYONE...

Please show me how Proposition 11 adds protection for homeowners re: the eminent domain issue.

Please use the actual proposed bill to do so.

DonQ said...

The way I understand it, Prop. 11 is to counteract the US Supreme Court 5-4 decision in June 2005 that allows the local governments to exercise eminent domain on a property and sell it to an individual who will convert it to a use that would cause a much higher tax revenue for said government. The decision was reported by Fox News as, “Cities may bulldoze people's homes to make way for shopping malls or other private development”. Nothing protects us from eminent domain including the US Constitution.

JimBob, What the hell does that have to do with anything? Maybe the water park would want to expand their parking lot or add a hamburger joint. Get a grip.