
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hays County Commissioners Court Handcuffed

Certain commissioners have "driven a stake through the heart" of Hays County,
pitting neighbors against neighbors in several political and economic battles

Guest commentary

By Peter Stern

In the figurative sense the five members of the commissioners court have "handcuffed" themselves, unable to work together in the best interests of the entire county community.

Commissioners Court has become a battleground highlighting issues of power and control, blatant animosities, special interests, ongoing conflicts and questionable actions on the part of the commissioners.

The Players:

Team AJudge Liz Sumter and Pct 4 Commissioner Karen Ford


Team B
– Pct 2 Commissioner Jeff Barton and Pct 3 Commissioner Will Conley

Commissioner Debbie Gonzales Ingalsbe, Pct. 1 – the fence sitter and deciding vote.

Several years ago when Hays County voters determined to get rid of the "good ol' boys" Judge Jim Powers and Commissioner Russ Molenaar of Pct. 4, none could foresee the ongoing turmoil that evolved from the current group ruling the county.

Without getting into who the "good" and "bad" players are, it is safe to say that outcomes from this court will not come easy, nor will they be in the best interests of the entire county community. Certain commissioners have "driven a stake through the heart" of Hays County, pitting neighbors against neighbors in several political and economic battles.

The damage of that split will remain until voters replace two players on one of the above teams.

It had better be soon because the county can NOT tolerate and survive further counter-productive turf wars.

Mr. Stern is a Driftwood area resident and frequent commenter on local political issues. His articles appear in a variety of local and regional venues.


Anonymous said...

Stern is absolutly dead on. This court is the most devisive one I can recall. It will forever be known as "the road bond court". Almost all of the time between Jan. 1st 2007 and now there has been the ongoing road bond debate.

The Judge allowed the twisted, useless, and expensive TxDOT pass-through financing to remain on the table, even after the voters voted down the bond in May 2007. She has allowed the other commissioners to bully her, in getting this latest 207 million bond passed. She apparently does not know how to be a leader. There's no doubt the east side of the county will see that she is replaced in 2010.

Anonymous said...

Here's to hoping that our one term wonder of a Judge will find more opportunities to pursue in dog walking and meddling in some other job after Nov. 2010.

cw said...

In regards to Mr. Stern's interesting comments on the HC Commissioners Court being Handcuffed, I WILL AGREE that there is the Team A vs Team B.

I do think he has a FLARE for the dramatic! He should go back further to the "good old boys" network of when Judge Eddy ruled Hays County. Fortunately, we moved here to Wimberley in '94 to HELP in REMOVING this man, and the Republicans WINNING for the first time. The story even made the Wall Street Journal!! CANNOT resist referring to the PEC also in its "good old boys" network probably going back to the days of Lyndon Johnson. THANK GOD for the CLEANUP that is being done over there. As far as Judge Powers goes, he probably would have been re-elected had he listened to some seasoned politicans in the county.

YES, we are a DIVIDED COUNTY, court wise and political wise. Just the same as the COUNTRY so what else is new.

I always get a kick out of these "Anonymous" people who have NOT the guts to put their names out there as Mr. Stern did. I do NOT allow Anonymous postings on my Blog:

#1 Anonymous and his COMPLAINT about the Road Bond issue. Well, the vote looked pretty decisive by THE PEOPLE of Hays County. So, it was NOT just the politicians voicing their opinions. I think Commissioner Conley did a very good job in putting forth WHY we
had to pass it. YOU KNOW FOLKS, as
long as people keep having babies, THEY WILL COME!!

Also, #1, indicated about EAST side of the county will see that THE JUDGE is replaced in 2010. WELL, there is much the same sentiment on the WEST side too!

#2 Anonymous, RIGHT ON!!

The county WILL tolerate and survive this - life goes on - we all need to fight for what we think is right.