You should pay attention to what Pct. 1 Commissioner Ingalsbe asked you, "Why is the county trying to settle when because of inaction by Ramus' attorney the case is on a DWOP (dismiss for want of prosecution) docket?"
Note: The RoundUp and Contributing Editor Charles O'Dell have reported on this sordid matter for more than three years. O'Dell has authored no less than nine stories. Click on the links at the bottom of Carolyn Logan's letter for the background and more. County officials are determined to continue playing their game of political chicken with the rules and the law, and, it seems, with anyone who challenges their authority. Friends of the court continue to get favored treatment as in the case of a resident whose county fees for a reinstall of a septic system were waived recently at the request of Commissioner Will Conley and approved unanimously by the court.

Judge Cobb,

Concerning the meeting last Friday, March 25th, with you and Commissioner Ingalsbe, I explained to you that as intervenor in Ramus' suit against Hays County that all I asked for was for the county to follow it's own rules. I said that Ramus built most of his project under the eyes of Tom Pope and Hays County before he had submitted plans and state and county required documentation. I said that Ramus never went to commissioners’ court to ask for a variance and he never got one. I said there were many installers including Doug Wheatley who looked at the property and declined to design and construct the OSSF, because it was not feasible for many reasons. I had official documents for all of these points and others, including copies of the Snowden Engineering reports saying that the permit should not have been issued because the OSSF would not hold up for long and it would put the environment and neighboring properties in a health and safety risk.
You cut me off with your question of, "What did the judge tell you"? I told you the judge did not rule on the septic system, but ruled on whether the county had the ability to rescind a permit. You refused to look at my pictures of the failed septic system and the cesspools that would not leach. You said that I had e-mailed you pictures for the last 3 years, that is not true. Until the night that I ran into you at the --------- Restaurant, where you and I talked about your proposed run for county judge and how Jim Powers, Linda Kinney and others were putting out great efforts to dissuade you from running, I had not seen or talked to you in many years.
You refused to look at legal documents stating the county did not follow or enforce its or the state's laws on the Ramus OSSF and that included a signed and sworn verification by Tom Pope that all statements contained in the documents are true.
You wanted to know why I was not talking to Kennedy because, "Mark Kennedy was in charge of this issue." Debbie told you that just a couple of days earlier Mark said to her that he didn't know anything about a DWOP docket that this case was set for dismissal on or a proposed settlement.
You said that you wanted this case to end. You said that you are looking to, "save the county MONEY." You said that you have, "your district judge in place and that he is going to order me to pay Ramus' atty fees and grant him a legal permit if I didn't agree to a settlement." I told you that I will not agree to pay to give up my property rights or my right to protection under the law, and that you all know that failed system is unsafe.
You said that Ramus had to have a permit to sell the property and asked if I didn't want to see him move. I told you that I didn't care if he moved or not, I just wanted to protect my livestock and family from his failed OSSF and the huge amount of commercial restaurant sewage that the permit granted, illegally. You said that Ramus, "needs the permit to sell the property because his money man flew and he doesn't have any money." I said that is no concern to me. You said when he sells the property that the county would have to re-inspect the system before it is put into operation, if it wasn't up to code it wouldn't be allowed to operate and I told you that it is in operation because there is only one system out there and Pope allowed him to connect the residence to the failed commercial system. I also said that it would be fraud to do that to an unsuspecting buyer. I said that Ramus swore in his Chartwells suits that he was going to have to sell his property and offered copies of his deposition to show you that.
You also said that you had been on and walked every inch of his property. Pct 1 Debbie Ingalsbe wasn't privy to nor did she walk every inch of his property with you. Yet, you refused to answer when, why, or who you were with. I told you that there are no audio or visual safety alarms turned on to that system. You started yelling at me that I better not be trespassing, I told you that I wouldn't set foot on that filthy place if someone rolled out a red carpet, I said that I didn't need to be on his property in order to see every inch of it. I simply had to step on to my back porch, pasture or the public property.
You said that you had a deal with me. I don't agree. Who had the authority to make a deal? You want to save the county money and you have your District Judge in place that will order me to pay if I don't settle. Well, as I said to you I am not paying to agree to give up my rights to protection under the law or property rights conspired to and violated by Tom Pope and Nick Ramus, or to a conspiracy for an act to defraud a unsuspecting buyer with a known illegal permit and septic system. Ramus is not going to sell the property, if he did that place would have to be razed and the junk hauled to a landfill, this is the same thing he claimed in his Chartwells suits. Anyway, that is his business and responsibility, not the county’s.
This whole illegal septic Health and Safety issue that was created by Conley/Pope and Ramus, spun as a, "neighborhood feud," and advanced by Jim Green and Barton for political reasons is as corrupt today as it was when they initiated it. It is common knowledge that, "two commissioners took a stand and are not budging," Conley is going to "protect his staff'. Well their "stand" has given power and encouragement to a former psychiatric patient and has put my life in HARMS WAY, and I no longer enjoy peace on my 34 year homestead because of the corruption and political games played out by these players. It has been obvious that there is no price to pay for Ramus or Pope. So go ahead and threaten me with your district judge. Go ahead and get your district judge's ruling, I've already been through that once in this dirty, rotten political game. Your job and that of the commissioner's court is to uphold the laws of the state and county, didn't you swear to that in your oaths of office? Or, did you swear to "protect our staff" when you know they did not and are not enforcing the law, because of a corrupt political stand?
You should pay attention to what Pct. 1 Commissioner Ingalsbe asked you, "Why is the county trying to settle when because of inaction by Ramus' attorney the case is on a DWOP (dismiss for want of prosecution) docket?"
The problem is that Pct. 1 Commissioner Ingalsbe is not aware of or a part of all the dealing and background movement in this case that has not been noticed on any agenda in the last 3 months.
I still want my rights to the law, because I am not willing to let my land be used for Ramus' drain field for the illegal commercial system that is in operation because of Tom Pope's corrupt actions and by this twice convicted Public Nuisance.
Ramus punishment delayed pending ruling
High stakes suit
Victim in long delayed deadly conduct
Justice turned on its head
Hello Health Department: We've got a problem here
Clear and present danger
Attacking our democracy
Political games and public trust
Commissioners court: The good, bad and ugly
Hays County Government: By and for the well connected