Brannon: "Voters want a Commissioner willing to stand and face them, rather than ducking and running . . . "
Brannon released this statement after Conley's no-show at the April 26 League forum: "He doesn't want to have to defend his record in front of his constituents. That's understandable given his record, but avoidance and attack campaigns won't help him get re-elected. Voters want a Commissioner willing to stand and face them, rather than ducking and running. The nasty attacks from his camp are actually bringing people our way. We're picking up voters every day, and are building the momentum for a win on May 29th."
Send your comments and questions to, Mr. Brannon at, Mr. Conley at or click on the "comments" at the bottom of the video
Sam Brannon campaign website:
Will Conley campaign website:
Here's a video of Brannon speaking at the Sunday April 22 San Marcos Republican forum . . .
I guess Conley is too busy hosting events for anti-Constitutionalist incumbents like Lamar Smith, who wants Chinese style internet censorship (CISPA).
And why is he backing Wentworth? I thought all the good Republicans were backing Donna Campbell.
Hmm - I answered my own question.
Conley can't be bothered with the little people. He is only interested in people who can line his Winton Porterfield and his cronies.
And don't forget that Conley appointed a convicted felon to the transportation board. Excuse me, that should be convicted felon and former democratic party official.
Conley is a coward.
Afraid of his own record.
Afraid of having a real opponent who knows how to point out what Conley has been up to all these years.
Afraid of losing to new ideas and someone not tied to monied interests.
Afraid to face facts in front of people.
Will Conley: Your time is up.
Conley has never had much respect for democracy. He is essentially a top-down kind of guy who likes to call the shots.
Me? I like democracy. You?
Send Coward Conley packing May 29th and let's give ourselves another chance for honest government.
Conley has done some decent things for sure.
However, it's time to put an end to the scandalous land deals surrounding Jacobs Well. Don't forget the outright gifting of taxpayer dollars to WVWA. No matter how bad the "deal" is for taxpayers, Conley apparently can't seem to stop funneling taxpayer dollars to the benefit of WVWA.
Conley has also repeatedly supported cutting property owners' access to their own groundwater upon request of WVWA. Ask about his appearances before the Texas Water Development Board, involvement with
Yep, he may have done some fine things but the Jacobs Well scandals outweigh any good deeds. I won't be voting for Conley.
Conley has been funneling money to the WVWA because they agreed to stay silent in the face of all his other egregious actions, like helping Wimberley Springs become a TOWN to the north of Woodcreek and Wimberley.
The very people who should have been putting the brakes to this kind of water-sucking development have been cowed into silence by County money that Conley provided them
Like buying votes, if you ask me.
Votes and silence.
This is how tyranny gets started.
Excuse me, but what "fine things" has Will Conley done for the people of Wimberley that were not simply part of the job we pay him to do?
This isn't charity work, that boy gets paid a bundle to serve the people of this County.
I say let him balance his budget using only what that car wash pays and see how well he does.
It is easy to get used to an extra $80K a year in taxpayer money to fluff your bottom line, isn't it Willy Boy?
Sam does have some great ideas and I hope he gets elected. The one thing I wish his campiagn would change is a common rookie mistake he keeps repeating. The statement "I promise we won't raise the debt if I'm elected" We see this often with first timers who make very bold statements, he must remember that he will only be one vote. Sam it all sounds great just change the we to I, you should only speak for yourself not the commision as a whole. In other words don't make promises that depend on the other four, just be true to yourself and that will be enough to win the day.
@ anonymous 4/29 11:38pm
Very well said! I hope Sam takes heed. He will make a good commissioner for Hays County. He has my vote.
To: Merry M. who said...
@ anonymous 4/29 11:38pm
Very well said! I hope Sam takes heed. He will make a good commissioner for Hays County. He has my vote.
April 30, 2012 8:18 AM
That doesn't surprise anyone since you and your group, the WPOA Board are the biggest collection of Conley Haters in the County!
I think people should be able to disagree with Conley's policies or behavior in office, or just not like the man, without being branded a hater. Come on, some of you folks use that word hate so loosely like it's some sort of moral defense against legitimate criticism. If you can defend Conley's wild spending, private meetings with special interests and such then do so. It would be time better spent.
I believe it is okay to hate Mr. Conley in addition to disapproving of his decisions while County Commissioner.
I can tell you one thing for sure: NOBODY LOVES HIM!
This is what I want to tell every Registered Voter in Precinct 3: Please help end the stranglehold that Will Conley has on open, honest and fair government in Hays County! PLEASE VOTE FOR SAM BRANNON May 29th in the Republican Primary. Thank you and Good Luck.
How many people live in precinct three? When Slick Willie has to appoint someone to a committee can't he find somebody other than a convicted felon? How arrogant can this guy be?
Another reason that citizens must rid government of Commissioner Will Conley is that his extravagant spending will be imitated by his peers. He got away with a grand parkway leading from Wimberley into San Marcos ($111 million) although the original road plans called for a perfectly good 4-lane road costing "only" $24.1 million.
Now watch as Commissioner Jones spends tens of millions of dollars on a grand approach from the east into Kyle.
It all reminds me of ancient days when the kings/emperors would build grand approaches to their cities to impress and awe foreigners daring to come in.
Conley appointed Mike Moellerm(the convicted felon) to that transportation board because Moeller, along with his wife (who got canned because of her own curious dealings while head of the Lottery) and Charles Soechting (who is everywhere unethical goings-on are going on), are part of a cabal of corrupt Democrats who work very hard to pave over Hays County and make money off of development.
These three are always in the middle of non-grassroots Democratic actions, leaving the real Hays County Democrats wondering who runs the show.
I guess this was Will's nod to bipartisanship.
Conley is simply a big-talkin' bully boy who cannot defend his actions as Commissioner and doesn't think the people even have the right to question him.
Conley is not a Republican, he is a Monarchist. He truly does not believe that mere citizens should direct or question his actions.
When the first transportation citizens committee was formed after the 2007 road bond was defeated, he said, in Court, in public: "I don't need some citizens advisory group telling me how to plan transportation in Hays County. This is what the people elected ME to do."
His way or the highway...and in this County, the highway is his way, and the costlier the better for his friends in the road business.
@ Just sayin' said...
I'm not a huge fan of Conley however, your comment about advisory committees is completely bogus.
First of all these "advisory committees" are often stacked with specific interest groups. Consider, for example, the Parks & Open Spaces Committee. David Baker is one of the first "members" of this committee and the next thing you know millions and millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent on Baker's WVWA's scandalous land deals and "maintenance" agreements.
The taxpayers here have NOT authorized county commissioners to delegate their responsibility to these bogus citizen "advisory" groups. I fully support Conley and any other politician on this issue.
Any politician that sets up these bogus "stakeholder" groups that don't represent the taxpayers or voters out here does so only at significant risk to his/her future employment.
When I asked Sam how he would feel being elected by a bunch of Conley hating Democrats rather than by the Party he claims to be a part of? He looked confused and answered off topic.
When you do not approve of the person in office, you seek another person to fill that office.
Does it really matter if they affiliate with one national party or another, for the purposes of governing Hays County, Texas?
These County and City races should not even be partisan. Very little of the County's business aligns with national political debates or fissures.
Republicans and Democrats alike have a common cause in getting rid of Will Conley and electing someone new to fill that office.
I say, let's give Sam Brannon a chance to do right by all of us.
Will Conley certainly isn't doing that. He needs to be voted out. We need new leadership.
@ Anonymous May 2, 2012 9:04 PM
I'm confused by your question, too.
Most Republicans I know plan to vote for Brannon.
We don't mind if every Democrat, warbler, salamander and goat in Precinct 3 helps un-elect Conley, either. None of us can afford to keep in in office.
The only Republicans I know who still support Conley do so because they have been personally enriched by his actions or some group they have been affiliated with has been.
Pay to Play is No Way to Play.
You couldn't pay me enough to look the other way while Conley climbs over our backs on his way to his future.
It is very apparent who is pulling the puppet's strings when looking at the roadwork being done on FM2325; the road leads directly to "Wimberley Springs". Winton Porterfield and his bosses are calling the shots for Hays County/Will Conley. This group is pushing its power agenda hard and fast; trying to get much done before the election. Could it be that should Conley lose (praying hard that this happens), Porterfield will not have all the "ins" that he requires to further his agenda?! Vote the bullies out!!
When you vote for Conley, you are essentially voting for Winton Porterfield.
Was that what you intended?
And did you notice that Bert Cobb put Winton on the Jacob's Well citizen committee?
That Winton must be spreading his Midland oil handlers' money around this County big-time.
Get Winton Porterfield OUT of county government.
Vote Sam Brannon.
Please vote Willton Conterfield out of office!
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