There are enough guns in Texas for every man, woman and child to have two each. Every third NRA member lives here, and about a half million Texans have concealed handgun licenses. But with Obama heading towards re-election, Texans want more
By Jason Stanford

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram ran a big story the other day about how gun sales were exploding, what with everyone afraid that the African-born Muslim socialist was going to get himself elected to another four years in the White House.
"Look who the Republicans are trying to put against Obama," said DeWayne Irwin, owner of the Cheaper Than Dirt gun store in Forth Worth. "It's the Keystone Kops and people are getting scared. People are terrified he's going to get re-elected and then he won't care about getting votes next time. He'll just pass whatever legislation he wants."

In Texas, being a liberal means owning only one firearm, and gun control means using two hands and gently squeezing the trigger. There are enough guns in Texas for every man, woman and child to have two each. Every third NRA member lives here, and about a half million Texans have concealed handgun licenses. But with Obama heading towards re-election, Texans want more. The FBI has been getting about 1 million requests for background checks on people wanting to buy guns every year just from Texas.
It is considered horribly impolite in Texas to mention the recent school shooting in Ohio that left three kids dead. The Star-Telegram story failed to mention it because to do so would open the reporter up to charges of being anti-gun. It is a local custom to observe your First Amendment right only to support the Second Amendment.
In Texas, the only logical response to gun violence is making sure it's a fair fight. This makes sense to Texans even when it makes no sense. When a mentally ill 22-year-old shot Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others with a legally bought Glock 19, Texas Republicans did not waste a second figuring out how to keep guns away from crazy people.
Instead, some proposed that politicians should be allowed to carry guns wherever they damn well pleased even in designated gun-free zones, such as schools and churches. The idea died not because of the inevitable crossfire but because it would be unfair to those constituents taking fire from both sides. They deserved guns in churches, too.
The problem with gun-free zones such as schools, say some, is that criminals don't care about the law. Fair point. But when a depressed 19-year-old math major named Colton Tooley shot his AK-47 at the University of Texas in 2010, SWAT teams had the campus locked down within a half hour. While Tooley holed up in the library, police, not knowing if he was alone, searched the backpacks of any student in the area.
Tooley killed himself without hurting anyone else, but that didn't stop the Texas legislature from demanding that all students be allowed to have guns on campus. Perhaps because some people still look at the UT tower and think of Charles Whitman, that proposal died too.
This is Texas, where you can get around the capitol's metal detectors with a concealed handgun license and our governor jogs with a Ruger .380. When Rick Perry bragged that he shot a coyote that was threatening his daughter's puppy, I didn't hear a blessed Texas soul question the wisdom of politicians exercising with deadly weapons. Instead, everyone kept asking where he put the gun when he jogged in those little nylon shorts. Apparently it's strapped to his hip with some kind of a jogging holster.
That's what passes for a fashion accessory in Texas, where guns are always the solution and never the problem.
A political consultant, writer and family man, Jason Stanford is a Texas resident. He is the co-author of "Adios Mofo: Why Rick Perry will make America miss George W. Bush," writes a syndicated column for Cagle Cartoons and blogs for The Huffington Post.
From a Texas liberal who owns 6 long guns and 2 pistols, I hear ya. I chuckle at the paranoia inherent in some RWNJ's but I also take them seriously enough to be afraid. I guess we'll know for sure on Nov. 7th.
Who buys exploding guns?
All you anti-Obama gun nuts who are afraid of some black boogey man should also be aware of a new bumber sticker:
It reads
"Don't Re-Nig In 2012,"
in large white type, above smaller text that reads: "Stop repeat offenders. Don't re-elect Obama!"
The design appears to have originated at a site called Stumpy's Stickers, where it can be purchased.
The site sells variations on the same idea, including another "Don't Re-Nig" design and a caricature of a black man's face with a missing tooth, a picture of a chimp that reads "Obama 2012," and another with a drawing of several Ku Klux Klan members that reads "The Original Boys In The Hood."
Yes, of course this is just free speech to you gun nuts who have more guns than cajones.
Please answer me this:
Which party is trying to control your daily life, even what you do in the bedroom or your doctor's office?
Have you noticed Obama has not made one move for your guns? Not one.
We Liberals With Guns are buying up ammo for when you Republicans and your hateful, hot-air-filled candidates usher in totalitarianism in the name of freedom.
Aren't you Republicans embarrassed yet?
The reason Obama hasn't come after our guns in his first term is that if he did he would never have a second one. If the bastard is somehow re-elected you can bet he will kick his Muslim-Socialism into high gear and guns will be the top of his hit list. Stock up on weapons especially semi-automatics and pump shotguns.
Let's Make the White House White Again in 2012.
Last Anonymous, assuming he is being honest and not playing us with his extremism, has racist political views. But at least he is finally being honest about what many extremist right wingers believe about Obama.
His comment: "Let's Make the White House White Again in 2012" is at least honest.
Of course Obama is not a Muslin or a socialist. His real demise among right wingers is that he is an Afro-American running a country that sees blacks as inferior beings, or only belonging in the entertainment and sports fields.
The real pathetic aspect of this Anonymous's comment is that we are NOT reading any comments from Republicans, right wingers or Libertarians calling this man out for his blatant racism.
So real truth comes out. And I sincerely want to thank Anonymous of March 18, 2012 5:22 PM for finally bringing it out in the open.
Maybe now we can move forward with some semblance of national political honesty.
Jason Isaac represents everything that is backwards and screwed up about the Republican Party.
He co-authored and supports the big government Texas mandatory sonogram law, which sane conservatives in other states have shunned.
Isaac ignorantly supports blanket de-funding of women's access to birth control and family planning counseling - which immediately prevents unwanted pregnancies and the sad necessity of abortions.
Isaac also supports the racist and totalitarian voter ID laws - which are clearly based on bogus scapegoating and highly exagerated claims of voter fraud.
His record since coming to office shows he is really a closet racist and xenophobe - as well as a big government hypocrite.
He represents everything that has made the Republican Party a crazy fringe party, essentially a pandering political gang for American haters of women and minorities.
Rocky Boschert makes a great point.
There are some Obama haters who are just plain ignorant about what socialism is and are sadly blinded by their right wing evangelism to see that Obama is not a Muslim.
But the vehemence of which so many right wingers hate Obama must be racism, as the facts about his presidency so far is anything but socialism.
So it is refreshingly honest that someone has actually posted his racist rant about Obama.
Unlike most of his other racist compadres, at least this Anonymous has the courage to admit his beliefs.
Sure, he doesn't use his real name. But he has ten times more integrity than the other locals who hate Obama but pretend it is about his economic policies and his middle name.
Still no criticism from the right over the racist comments by the gun racist!
That tells a whole lot about the right wingers and their true sentiment.
Keep your "Hope and Change"
I'll keep my Guns and Ammo :P
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