
Saturday, October 8, 2011

The 99% rock on

A plain-spoken spokesman for the amorphous Occupy Wall Street takes on Fox News


Anonymous said...

Nothing new here. Listening to some Lefty stating the liberal talking points is kinda tiresome to me. It is typical that he hardly places any blame on the Obama administration for the financial mess we are in now.

For-profit medical care doesn't work? What 99% rock has he been under? The for-profit medical care in this country and the rest of the world works for those that themselves work to make it work. Charity picks up the rest. Without it we wouldn't have cures for a whole myriad of diseases that killed millions in the 19th and 20th century.

This whole "movement" needs to be flushed down now that it is stinking up the place.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't take much to out think a Fox News interviewer; just like it doesn't take much of a brain to see Anonymous above is just another right wing hate lemming who sees everything as black and white (literally) and doesn't have an original thought in his limited cognitive repertoire.

And how about that Hate Values Summit that all of the weasel Republican presidential canditates are pandering to?

Most of the sponsors of the "Sick Values Summmit" have been labeled hate groups for their gay, immigrant and minority bashing and twisting of the truth about science.

Jon Huntsman wasn't invited to attend - probably because he believes in science.

Ron Paul is a attending the Hate summit. I thought he was better than that. Turns out he is just another pandering right wing lackey - and a coward.

As a conservative, I will only vote for Huntsman if he is nominated.

Rocky B. said...

Speaking of Fox News, right now, prominent public figures are attending the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.

What's so outrageous is that these Reublican presidential candidates are participating in the summit even though it's sponsored by groups that demonize Americans with lies that stoke hate and violence.

This morning, the SPLC held a press conference at the site of the event to call attention to the bigotry of the Family Research Council (FRC) and the American Family Association (AFA), two of the major hate speech sponsors.

SPLC also placed an ad in the Washington Post today. Hopefully these so-called Presidential candidates will think twice before lending their names to hate groups like the FRC and the AFA again.

Make no mistake, these groups richly deserve the SPLC's hate group designation – not because of their religious beliefs - but because of their continuing use of discredited research and malicious falsehoods.

Public figures shouldn't associate with groups like the FRC and the AFA – much less speak at their conference. It's that simple.

This extreme right wing hate and fear-mongering has to stop – or more people will surely get hurt.

Charles O'Dell said...

'This whole "movement" needs to be flushed down now that it is stinking up the place.

Your tone and choice of words tells me that you would do it if we were a Franco society.


Instead, our Jeffersonian society and the RoundUp give you the right to express your misinformed hate message.


Les said...

Does the News Corp issue piss you off? If not, why not? (the golden rule, the man with the gold rules)

The Republican elites and the Tea-bagger surrogates play the politics of poverty well, the rest of us need to call them out on it. The man in the gray shirt has it right. Hit the play arrow again, and repeat if necessary.

It's only class warfare when we fight back.

La Greca said...

Anonymous, I'll tell you what's tiresome and that's robots like you who take your commands from the statist Fox News Propaganda Ministry. Stalin would be sooo proud. A HIGH FIVE to the young gentleman in the interview.

Charles O'Dell said...

Who can explain the Reagan 1982 business tax increase and two other tax increases during his two terms; Clinton's huge budget deficit, and Bush's huge budget surplus?

Thanks for getting me up to speed.

Anonymous said...

The gentleman in the video seemed to provide no real solutions and on the whole seemed rather ignorant. Saying things like we shouldn't focus on Solyndra proves my point, if a half billion dollar loss of taxpayer money isn't worth focusing on then I don't know what is.

Charles O'Dell said...

“…if a half billion dollar loss of taxpayer money isn't worth focusing on then I don't know what is.”

Perhaps you also wish to focus on those companies that received $363 million in public funds to move to Texas or expand are falling short of the number of jobs they promised to create and the executive order mandating young girls to receive the HPV vaccine.

And what real solutions do you propose for those issues?

The Emancipator said...

If Solyndra is the poster boy for Obama business corruption - then the entire 2007-09 recession and the current 10 plus % unemployment is almost entirely a result of Republican Party corruption.

I think that Bush recession is equivalent to 1,000,0000 Solyndra.

Frankly, I can live with ONE Solyndra.

Beware U.S. Health "Care" said...

To Anonymous #1 (first poster):

The U.S.'s much-vaunted for-profit medical system continues to fall in effectiveness year after year. Our nation is lower than MANY in such measures as infant mortality, death by infection (contracted in hospitals and nursing homes), and even life expectancy. It's an embarrassment that even some "third world" countries score higher than we in some categories.

Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration lets Big Pharma unleash drugs on us that often do more harm than good. Have you noticed how many TV ads now spend as much time telling you about the horrible side effects ("even death") as about the good side of their poisons?