For the past six months local volunteers have been working to coordinate a community-wide promotion of the 2010 Census and its importance to all Central Texas communities.
Leaders from Hays County, Comal County, the City of San Marcos, Texas State University and other communities have worked together to encourage their citizens to complete and return their Census survey by Thursday April 1.
“Thursday’s press conference will serve as a celebration and final reminder to all of our citizens to fulfill their civic duty by returning their census form,” said Daniel Guerrero, Chair of the San Marcos Complete Count Committee. “Together our local leaders will proclaim that our communities cannot move forward until your Census form is mailed back.”
The City of San Marcos opened a Census Outreach Office earlier this month at 211 Lee Street in the Centro Cultural Hispano de San Marcos, formerly Bonham School. The office telephone number is 512-618-0413. On March 19, the U.S. Census Bureau opened nine Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QAC) sites in San Marcos where local residents can receive assistance with their 2010 Census questionnaires.
All Hays County QACs are listed on the Hays County website at www.co.hays.tx.us. The QACs will remain open through April 19. Area residents who have additional questions can call the following toll-free numbers for answers: For English-speaking residents, call 1-866-872-6868. If you prefer a Spanish-speaking operator, call 1-866-928-2010. The hearing-impaired may call 1-866-783-2010.
Another waste of time and tax dollars.
Yeah, that's right. The census is really just a socialist totalitarian state privacy invasion tool designed to force right wingers to give up their guns and property rights. It is clearly the personal eminent domain boogie man.
Oh my God! Here comes the black Obama after our children. He's going to put them in the forced propaganda state slave labor camps once he and those communist white lackey democrats get the census data.
Thank Jesus we have Glenn Beck to warn us from this impending doom.
Scared Whiteman:
Man, you stupid democrat, you idiotic bumbling and stumbling is just that - idiotic. I wish that there were some way that the editor of this blog would edit out the racist fools, you included.
I am a white male, Republican, and have no illusions as to what the census is; I may disagree with some of the uses that have been tacked onto it over the years, but it is still the tool for enumerating the population to determine the allocation of House of Representative seats to the states of our Union.
The farce that is included with this is the demographic information that is NOT a part of the Constitutional requirement for enumeration; and while worthwhile knowing this information, it ought to be a right of privacy to refuse to respond to any question other than the number of people residing in a home.
Anonymous Boring Whiteman: The reason you Republicans are in deep doodoo intellectually is you have no sense of humor. If you had any brains at all you could see the SW piece is poking fun at the extremists of your ilk. You could either laugh or cry. But instead you show your true colors and label the irreverant jokester a racist and an idiot. That lashing out is the epitome of anger and hate, which is why your white conservative movement is pathetic.
Lighten up or go get some therapy. "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." And with your attitude, you are now part of the problem.
One more thing. I know who Scared Whiteman is. And he is not a Democrat.
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