Landaker's quick elevation to the top spot came as a surprise, being that he virtually came out of nowhere and won a position on the board barely a week ago, after outrunning several other candidates for the District 6 seat.
In his campaign, Landaker promised to develop actionable plans for meeting PEC's 30% renewable and 20% efficiency goals by 2020, limit board director terms, and requiring continued open meetings and open records transparency.
Here's some great reporting from Johnson City resident, corporate management expert, and close follower of the PEC, Dave Collins, who was present at today's meeting for the historic change of leadership. It's been a long time comin'. Let's see what we get.
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A New Day Dawns at Pedernales Electric
By Dave Collins

Board President R. B. Felps called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.
The first item on the agenda was member comments. Several members addressed the Board and audience of about 50. Some congratulated the new Board members; others - including one unsuccessful candidate - bemoaned what was termed domination of the election by "Special Interests."
One member suggested changes to the oath of office while another called on the PEC to better educate the members about financial aspects of conservation programs. Another member announced the award, by a group of members, of a copy of Roberts Rules of Order to the new Board President that would be selected later in the meeting, urging "a true beginning of proper order and the rule of law in the conduct of PEC member business."
O. C. Harmon, Board Secretary/Treasurer then read the certified election results as supplied by the election contractor, Election Services Corporation. The Board voted unanimously to accept the results: District 1 Director Cristi Clement, District 6 Director Larry Landaker, and District 7 Director Patrick Cox, unopposed in the election after winning last year's race to fill out the unexpired term of Bud Burnett, who had been forced to resign.
The PEC General Counsel Luis Garcia read an affirmation of duties and responsibilities. Each board member - new and incumbent - then signed the lengthy list of specifics.
Next came the ceremonial passing of resolutions acknowledging the service of departing Directors and Advisory Directors. Each resolution passed by unanimous vote.
Finally came the meat of the meeting - election of Board officers for the coming year.
Those accustomed to surprising developments at PEC Board meetings were not disappointed. Director Cox nominated Director Landaker for President. This was the first surprise for most as many had long assumed that Director Cox, with a newly constituted Board, would seek that position himself.
The next surprise - after it became clear that Landaker would be the only nominee - was the action of then current Vice President James Williams. Turning to face Director Landaker, Williams stated that he had reservations about Landaker's leadership abilities and had questions for him.
Discussion ensued as to the appropriateness of this action. President Felps asked for Board permission to call a 5 minute recess so that the two Directors could talk. About 10 minutes later the two men returned and the vote was taken. Landaker was elected by 5 votes, hold-over Director Harmon, showing reluctance, voting with Clement, Cox, Landaker, and Scanlon. Felps and Williams abstained.
The final two votes proceeded without drama. Cristi Clement was elected on a 4-0 vote as Vice President and Kathy Scanlon was elected Secretary/Treasurer by unanimous vote.
Vice-President Clement and President Landaker then each delivered brief statements. Clement stressed continuation of openness and transparency, aggressive pursuit of conservation and renewable goals established last year and fiscal responsibility. She emphasized her last point by calling for another examination of Director compensation.
President Landaker touched on similar themes but, drawing on a story about FDR and his wife Eleanor, explained that he is looking to the membership to push this board, to be active and demanding. He pledged to seek greater roles for members in policy development, in particular a "Members Bill of Rights" that would place certain policy directly under the control of members.