
Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm just a drop of water, asking that I be treated fairly and equitably

I've heard on the "drip line," but haven't been contacted, that PR from DS (that's Patrick Rose from Dripping Springs) doesn't plan any TWC36 legislation and is asking the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District board to place an inequitable two-year surcharge on Wimberley Water Supply and Aqua Texas customers to be used for aquifer research only

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Editor's Note: Mr. Glenn read the statement below at last night's April 2 Wimberley City Council meeting during discussion of a city resolution to support or oppose legislation granting additional authority and funding to the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. A resolution never made it to the table due to lack of a motion. State Rep. Patrick Rose, meanwhile, is said to be considering legislation that would effectively deliver a long-armed sucker punch to the district. His bill would impose a $2 surcharge on Wimberley and Dripping Springs area water utility customers. The surcharge would fund aquifer research, but you can bet there'll be a lot of unhappy water customer campers when they see this new fee on their bills. Who do you suppose will take the flak, Rose or the groundwater district?

Guest Column

My name is David Glenn and all of you know me as a friend, neighbor or acquaintance. In the past I have appeared before you as a drop of water from our aquifer, so please bear with me. I am neither a Republican nor a Democratic drop.

Because we live on the "edge of the desert," I am the most precious commodity and critical resource in the Wimberley Valley environment. I hope that as a drop of water I can cool down the rhetoric and emotions concerning a Texas Water Code (TWC) Chapter 36 groundwater conservation district and focus on solutions for the key issues, and reality.

Tonight I know this council is under many different pressures within our community and feels pulled to and fro. This is what it's like in the aquifer with many wells pulling different pressures in all directions. Am I to be sucked up by the biggest pump or is there going to be a viable groundwater conservation district managing the aquifer to provide equitable allocation of me and other drops to everyone's water well?

In yesterday's (April 1) Wimberley View, Mayor Mike Gonzales of Kyle stated, "Access to an ample supply of clean water is a basic right that all citizens in Hays County should have." He's absolutely right and he is fortunate to have a full TWC36 BSEACD (Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District) standing behind his voters and their water wells. Western Hays County has the most legislatively flawed and handicapped groundwater district in Texas that I know about.

In fact, I've heard on the "drip line," but haven't been contacted, that PR from DS (that's Patrick Rose from Dripping Springs) doesn't plan any TWC36 legislation and is asking the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District (HTGCD) board to place an inequitable two-year surcharge on Wimberley Water Supply and Aqua Texas customers to be used for aquifer research only.

Seems interesting that PR from DS would question the expertise of the HTGCD since it has been operating here in western Hays County before he even got out of Princeton, much less elected, and it is recognized throughout the Hill Country for the outstanding geology and hydrology studies that its volunteers have done, but I will admit he is better funded than the HTGCD.

Now don't you let those "big oil" guys confuse you because it's us drops of water that power the economic engine of this Wimberley Valley. Always have and always will! We started as a mill town with Mr. Winters harnessing what was then called Jacobs Well Creek. Today when I can escape getting pumped out into someone's muddy, murky vanity pond, I like to pop up in Jacobs Well and flow as Cypress Creek down through Blue Hole and under the bridge next to the Square and join up with Blanco, Yee-hah!

Seriously, as the Wimberley Valley continues to grow and develop, us drops of water need a viable mediator to settle disputes between folks and an equitable allocator to see that everybody gets his fair share of our life giving sustenance. I'm asking you duly elected officials to put aside any political disagreements with other duly elected officials and give this Valley, your friends and neighbors, a TWC36 GCD on par with those around us by supporting this resolution. We drops of water can't vote so please support us. Also remember each one of you elects the groundwater district board members of your choice. May God help you and the Wimberley Valley.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

David Glenn coordinated an extensive water study for the City of Wimberley last year, and currently serves on the city's planning & zoning commission.


Charles O'Dell said...

Rep. Rose seems to have a dilemma, doesn't he?

Does he disrespect the 6,500 well owners in the HTGCD who want their wells protected...or does he disrespect the public water supply users, many of whom get their water from LCRA or only partially from central water wells?

Why would he disrespect any of these constituents by not sponsoring full Chapter 36 legislation that gives them all a choice on whether and how they want their GCD financed?

The only conclusion one can reach is that Rose is going with his special interest campaign contributors...developers, engineering firms, home builders, law firms and insurance firms, most of whom live outside of Hays County...over his local voters because he believes his special interests will contribute even more to his million dollar campaign fund to produce slick TV ads that will fool local voters into believing Rose has their best interests at heart.

He doesn't, and this Chapter 36 issue demonstrates that clearly.

Rose would rather take credit for reforming PEC and enacting cancer research legislation after others did the heavy work, and talking about financing education and lowering insurance premiums...all results.

Contact Rose and tell him you want your GCD to have full Chapter 36 legislation just like the other 90 GCDs have.

If you can't depend on Rose to look after your best interest now...then Rose shouldn't depend on your support next year when he is running for reelection...right?

Anonymous said...

Right. Vote the bum out.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Mr. O'Dell run for political office if he has such issues with those currently in power? Being in office is a much more effective way of changing the status quo than writing articles.