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RoundUp Editor
Wimberley area residents interested in helping shape a comprehensive countywide water supply and wastewater plan should plan on attending a public meeting April 15, 7 pm - 9 pm, at the Wimberley Community Center.
"We'll be looking at both water resources and the handling of wastewater in the county," said Hays County Grants Administrator Jeff Hauf. "As the county continues to expand, water is rapidly being used up. This (meeting) is to get the whole community together and ask, 'What do we need to do to ensure our water resources into the future.'"
The Wimberley public meeting will kick off a $200,000 study, supported by grants from the Texas Water Development Board, various cities and water suppliers and the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority. Two additional public meetings will take place before final recommendations are presented to county commissioners. HDR Engineering of Austin is the lead project consultant.
Hauf said an important aspect of the study is that citizens be heard and their views be acted on.
For more details, Hauf can be reached at his courthouse office, 512-393-2211.
If Wimberley is so low on water, why don't they have water restrictions like the rest of the county? We need to conserve water, not just find new sources of it.
The first order of business would be to speak out against Aqua Texas. It has been well documented by HTGCD that this private water profiteer is overpumping and wasting over 51% of the water they pump from the Hays Trinity Aquifer. This water can never be reclaimed. Aqua Texas is also the single largest waster of water of the Edwards Aquifer. TCEQ does nothing to stop this...and current legislature has tied the hands of the one entity that can and will stop this abuse...the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. Contact Representative Patrick Rose and tell him you support granting FULL Chapter 36 Authority to HTGCD. On an individual basis many residents are conserving...capture buckets in showers to flush toilets and water plants, rain barrels, collecting a/c condensation,etc. Dear reader please do your part but first and foremost contact your elected officials and ask them to DO SOMETHING to protect our water source and our most precious resource.
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