". . . I hope Woodcreek will explore water catchment and other sewage options to become self sufficient & to heck with this water company! I want them gone!"
Note: We've reprinted the recently completed Woodcreek survey verbatim, with some deletions/editing for length and spelling. The residents’ perceptions survey report lacks any editorial comment, but the views of Woodcreek area residents are very clear, to say the least. Simply put, customers are not happy with the cost of service from the Aqua Texas utility. What’s more, it appears that the Aqua customers were eager to speak out (see written responses below) with more than 900 Woodcreek area residents taking the time to respond.
Send your comments and news tips to roundup.editor@gmail.com, to the City of Woodcreek at the website, http://www.cityofwoodcreek.com/, to AquaTexas (Austin)
See the Better Business Bureau report on Aqua Texas Inc. here

It would be an understatement to say that residents are concerned about what they perceived as extremely high rates. The local newspaper routinely carries articles and letters to the editor in which the high rates are mentioned. Stories circulate about retired couples having to move away from the community because of the high rates. The rate situation with Aqua Texas, at least as it applies to water/sewer service in the Woodcreek area, is perhaps best described as follows: The monthly cost of service is in excess of $125.00, and that is before a tap is turned on or a commode is flushed.
It was in that context of service rates that Aqua Texas, through its corporate offices, distributed a questionnaire to customers in the Woodcreek area at the beginning of 2011. Not knowing the extent to which the results of that survey would be made public, members of the WWT believed that it would be beneficial for the WWT to distribute a similar survey.
Toward that end, the Center for Social Inquiry of The Department of Sociology at Texas State University was asked to assist with the design and management of the survey on behalf of the City of Woodcreek and the Woodcreek Property Owners Association on a pro bono basis. For all practical purposes, the questions from the WWT survey mirrored many of the concerns covered in the Aqua Texas survey.
A total of 2150 surveys were mailed to registered voters in the City of Woodcreek and the surrounding area, including Woodcreek North, along with a postage paid, return envelope, and a request that the surveys be returned to the Center for Social Inquiry by March 21, 2011.
As of the deadline date of March 31, 2011, a total of 928 surveys had been received (a return rate in excess of 43% and a margin of error of less than 2.5% at a 95% level of confidence).
The third (and final) section of the report presents a random sample of 30 responses to the open-end additional comments. All of the additional comment responses are available on a CD at The City of Woodcreek City Hall, 41 Champions Circle, Woodcreek, Texas 78676.
Survey note: Just to avoid any confusion, please note that this survey about your water and sewer service is not being sent to you by Aqua Texas. The City of Woodcreek, under the auspices of its Water / Wastewater Taskforce, and The Woodcreek Property Owners Association are conducting this survey.
ITEM (%) – Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree Strongly / Disagree / No Response
Aqua Texas’ services are a good value:
Strongly Agree - 1.0%
Agree - 2.0%
Neutral - 6.0%
Disagree Strongly - 21.6%
Disagree - 68.6%
No Response - 0.8%
Aqua Texas’ rates are affordable:
SA - 0.9% / A - 1.6% / N - 3.3% / DS - 15.8% / D - 77.8% / N - 0.5%
Aqua Texas’ water rates are comparable to nearby communities:
0.4% / 0.9% / 8.3% / 18.5% / 69.3% / 2.6%
Aqua Texas’ services are reliable: 1.9% / 20.4% / 30.0% / 20.2% / 26.8% / 0.8%
Aqua Texas repairs water or sewer problems quickly and effectively:
2.3% / 10.1% / 32.2% / 19.9% / 33.3% / 2.2%
Please write down one word that best describes your view or your opinion of Aqua Texas as a water / sewer service provider. 97% Responded 3.0% No Response.
The top 22 words used:
Words / Frequency / Percent
expensive | 175 | 18.9 |
overpriced | 48 | 5.2 |
thieves | 30 | 3.2 |
greedy | 29 | 3.1 |
No Response | 28 | 3.0 |
poor | 23 | 2.5 |
terrible | 22 | 2.4 |
crooks | 20 | 2.2 |
horrible | 18 | 1.9 |
bad | 17 | 1.8 |
rip-off | 15 | 1.6 |
monopoly | 14 | 1.5 |
sucks | 14 | 1.5 |
unaffordable | 14 | 1.5 |
outrageous | 13 | 1.4 |
criminal | 11 | 1.2 |
wasteful | 10 | 1.1 |
awful | 9 | 1.0 |
costly | 9 | 1.0 |
exorbitant | 8 | .9 |
extortion | 8 | .9 |
high | 8 | .9 |
Other words used, from the survey chart: "lousy, robbery, adequate, unfair, corrupt, robbers, thief, average, fair, good, greed, irresponsible, ok, pitiful, ridiculous, rip-off, unacceptable, bandits, evil, negative, rapacious, rape, sorry, unethical, crap, disappointed, disgusted, disgusting, extortionist, gouger, opportunistic, pirates, questionable, reliable, thiefs, unsatisfactory, avaricious, criminals, deplorable, despicable, disgraceful, dishonest, exploitation, improvement, inadequate, incompetent, inefficient, mediocre, nasty, outrage, predatory, profit, profitable, reprehensible, satisfactory, satisfied, scam, selfserving, stinks, suck, sufficient, theft, too expensive, unconcerned, unreliable, very expensive, $$$$, abhorrent, absurd, alienating, arrogant, at best average, awesome, bandit, baron, bitter, bloodsuckers, callous, carpetbagger, censored, cheaters, Communisticdictatorshipcorporatethugs, competent . . ." (The list goes on.)
A sampling of respondents written comments, some shortened for length:
Aqua Tx is cold and indifferent to the monetary plight of retired fixed-income families . . .
Rates are high and we see leaks all the time they do not fix them very quick which wastes water
Our water has ruined every appliance we have. It tastes like chlorine water. If we had comparable rates it would be one thing but we're paying nearly $100 a month for this awful water, and this is with try(ing) to con(s)erve as much as possible . . .
Sewer smells continually come thru our toilet.
Aqua Texas has done everything they can to resolve every problem I've had. Their employees are respectful and courteous. I have no complaints.
The deeds say Aqua Texas is responsible for the sewer service yet the owners have to pay electric for the grinder pumps, and pay for repairs needed for them. For the price we pay for water and sewer services Aqua Texas should be able to fix them and pay for the power to run them. Perhaps they should be investigated as was PEC.
The service does not provide what I would call "drinkable" water and do not trust it to drink nor cook with. It is also very hard water causing discoloration (bleach) to plants and hard water deposits in commodes, sinks and clogs up dishwashers. It smells like chlorine. To top it off, the price, when combined with water & sewer & fees, is the equivalent of a used car payment! Even if you conserve water, the bill does not drop significantly.
If the water loss information is correct then why do we put up with such poor service.
They are devoid of local representation. We talk to people in Penn. when we have issues. They now have us all over the barrel and we are helpless to do anything about it. Woodcreek sold her soul when they sold the water utility to Aqua Tex. They want us to pay for repair for aging, leaky water lines after gouging us for years. If there was a choice, 90% of us would quit Aqua service.
My San Marcos Water Bill was $30 a month. Not $169.00.
They replaced my meter and charged me over $900 in water I never used. I'm sorry we don't have other source for our water.
The cost of water and sewer services are ridiculously high! Our water bill exceeds our electricity bill most months! And our home is all electric! The total cost should be reduced by at least 50%.
Aqua Texas does have the monopoly over Woodcreek North as being our only option for water/sewer services $ they can charge whatever rate they choose. I use at least $47.00 in water/month and before I even turn on the spigot I pay $125 or more just to have service to my house – very unnerving.
Dirt in the water – see it in the toilet tank
Pressure varies
Too expensive to water lawn
The only word I have about service is the outrageous price. Habitat for Humanity doesn't build in Woodcreek because the homeowners would not be able to afford the water – what a commentary to make in America . . .
The minimum water & sewer prices are the absolute highest I have ever paid in my life. The high cost of living in Aqua area affects the selling of real estate. No one wants to live where the minimum water/sewer cost is $150/month! Outrageous!!!
Sadly our Texas departments in charge of rules - standards and regulations for water-sewer companies simply turn a blind eye to the practices of Aqua Tex. - aka - Aqua America . . .
. . . I hope Woodcreek will explore water catchment and other sewage options to become self sufficient & to heck with this water company! I want them gone!